Chapter 10.

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[Not edited]

Dedicated to @Rushba , thanks for the follow and ur comment hun xx.


Kathryne's P.O.V

The first thought that came to mind the minute I opened up my eyes after that disastrous night was that Mrs A has got some serious explaining to do. Why would she try to hide the fact that the cafe is at stake, from me?!. I may not be her true blood but I still am her daughter. I sighed and got out of the bed to check up on Ethan.

After Mr Jerk-face, Xavier, oh so charmingly gave me a ride back home, I absolutely forgot about Nina and I'm so positive there's going to be a lot of shouting after she wakes up which till then gives me time to think about the mess I've been shoved to but before that, my body craves caffeine right now. 

Walking inside Ethan's room, I saw the bed was already neatly made while he was busy playing the PlayStation thingy Mawa bought him. Sometimes Ethan is too clever for his own age.

"Hey there buddy.", I sat beside him, glancing at what working him up so early in the morning.

"Hi Kitty Kat.", he said, not taking his eyes off the damn thing.

I growled and snatched it out of his clutch,  "Stop calling me that and lets go have some breakfast."

"But, but I was nearly on the finished line. Give it back Kitty Kat.", he whined while trying to take it back.

"No buts and I told you to stop calling me that, It's not cute anymore.", I offed the stupid game and walked out of his room. "Come on Ethan. You'll play that thing later, you have all weekend."

I fried some bacon and eggs with some french toast for myself. Ethan glumly sat down but as soon as he saw the bacon and eggs his energized self came back. I laughed and pinched his cheek which made him scowl at me. I sighed and drank my coffee. In days like this, I miss having the family time together. Sometimes I wish mom and dad were still here with us. Ethan was so little when we lost them and since then I've been trying my best  to provide him with all the things he need, well at least he gets pampered a lot.

After feeding Ethan, I washed the dirty dishes and made myself another cup of coffee. Suddenly my phone started ringing which meant only one thing, Nina's awake.

I swallowed the coffee and answered the call but before I could say anything she started screaming loudly through the phone.

"What happened to you last night!. Are you alright?, do you need me to come there?.", she kept on asking question after question, not giving me the chance to talk at all.

"Nina, Nina...Nina!", I shouted making her stop talking instantly. "I'm fine, nothing's wrong with me.", I spoke softly then continued to fill her up on everything except the contract deal with Xavier. I bet she'll go and wreak havoc over there or better yet, wring Xavier's neck. 

"So, how did your date go?. I like John, he seems nice.", I said changing the subject and it seemed to work because she couldn't stop talking about how nice and funny he was. The info which caught my interest was that Nina agreed to go on a second date with him. Finally!, she started dating again. To make the long story short, her stupid a$$hole of a boyfriend dumped her and made her lose her confidence in herself. Thank God the old Nina back.

"I'm so happy for you Nina. I have to go now but tell me all about it later kay?.", I told her enthusiastically. She agreed and cut the call. Well, at least one of us is happy.

His Kathryne.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz