"Who ruined everything?"


"Oh, okay... And now what is the difference?"

"We heard her memories with Sam. She's also bitter went we phase together.

The bear nodded and let him passed. He followed the path and saw Jacob, Paul, and Leah.

POV Quil:

It didn't take long before a rabbit came and asked to join him.

"Hello, Quil Jr. How are you feeling?"

"It's a lot to take at once in less than two days."

"I see... How do you feel around Leah?"

"She's like a big sister with me. I something wishes that become wolf would never involve imprint"

"Go find your friends."

He was led a while and saw a part of the pack, the others who had passed before him.

POV Seth:

He was the fifth in line. He was worried about his dear sister Leah. She had to work through all that shot. He saw a squirrel to follow him. They talked while walking.

"How do you feel having Leah as your sister?"

"She's the best sister ever. I love her and want to protect her."

"Who would you blame for everything that causes the loss of Leah's happiness?"

"Emily. She's a bitch went my parents, the elders or the pack isn't around."

"Thanks for your time answering my question. Go straight, and your friend will be there. Since you are one of the youngest, I'm going to stop questioning you. We trust you, and we have rules saying we can't question too much the cubs, meaning the youngest of the packs. So turn left, then right and go straight. Everyone will be there, mostly the people who were before you."

POV Colin:

He and Bradley were asked to follow a frog. He was jumping very quickly. He said very fast:

"Since you are both cubs, I mean the youngest in the pack. We won't question you for now. We trust you. Here continue."

He walked, Bradley behind him and stood next to Quil and Seth.

POV Bradley:

He and Colin were asked by a frog to follow him. He was jumping very quickly. He said very fast:

"Since you are both cubs, I mean the toughest in the pack. We won't question you for now. We trust you. Here continue."

He followed Colin and stood next to him and Embry waiting for Sam and hates to come out. It didn't take long.

POV Sam:

Everything was so confusing about his feelings for Emily and Leah. Was his feeling for Emily fake? Why did he doubt Billy not saying all the truth? He was praying that tonight some answers would be answered. He followed a duck. He didn't ask a question. He just stopped and looked curiously to him.

"Leah is a great girl. Don't ever forget about your feelings about her again. Go, now to your group, it's late enough like this."

Wait. What? What was this sentence mean? That's it? He was sure it would be longer than that. What should he have known? He couldn't stop questioning himself went he froze a fraction if second. He couldn't hear his pack minds in his head. He approached the pack and could hear their thoughts again. Was that a protection in this territory? Blocking minds?

POV Jared:

He just walked because the test was registered for him years ago before he was led into the secret. These animal were accomplices of their plan. They were part of their allies. They will relay to Lance, Leah, and Liam about their encounter. He quickly appeared in front of the rest of the pack in the same time as Sam. He asked Leah to run and inform the others of their lateness.

"Everyone is here...good you can't talk about your experience to no one imprints neither the vampire nor the Elders. It's very important. You may talk about within the pack it to the others packs members. We are late, so please keep the pace."

They ran for two hours and stopped brutally in front again by a guard. He phased out.

POV Jacob:

Jared was the first to phase out. The others had copied him quickly. They put clean clothes that the guards offered them.

Then, the guard had escort then to a house. One guard knocked on the door, and they waited. A tall man opened them up and ushered them to enter the house. The tall man led them in a long hallway. They were greeted by everyone else. The imprints ran to them and hugged or kiss their males respective.

They had the chance to greet the others and learned about them more. Two women were indicating where everyone was to be seated.

He scanned the crown searching for Leah.

"Leah is not here. Is it normal?" he asked nobody in particular.

"Yes, we decide she won't attend this reunion not to interfere with you or us."

"Thanks, God that bitch won't cause us any problem. She's a very nasty thing." muttered Emily darkly.

Everyone seemed confused about Emily's statement well everyone who had a good hearing. Some people were frowning darkly. It wasn't good for their first impression some were stupefied because it was so unlike her. While that Jared was facepalm himself.

He saw a shadow leaning on the wall. Then, the shadow sat in a comfy chair between the two best alphas Liam and Lance of the room. Jared had introduced him to them, and he actually had the chance to talk to them a while.

He realized something off. He couldn't smell the putrid smell of the Cullen's even if they passed a few seconds in this room before going to another place. Doors were wide open letting every room to be connected in a certain way. All the conversation had stopped went the shadow had sat.
He could see that the shadow was wearing a grey and brilliant mask and a black dress was covering that person. When that person talked, the voice was weird like a robotic way.

"Thanks for coming in a short notice. Before enjoying your meal, I would like to inform you that waiters are at your service. While eating people had to quit the table or sit at the table depending on their shifts. Also, you may say that there is a vampire in an environment including the Cullen. They are our allies, and there will make sure, you Cullen's are comfortable for the time you spend here. Please enjoy your meal. We will speak with you about the future war and everything after. Bonne appétit. "

They started to eat and quickly Emily started to converse with Kim. Few seconds following, everyone had eyes converge to them. They were both talking not preoccupying of others.
The dinner passed in the silence except Kim and Emily talking. Liam's cleared out softly. He, Jacob, turned his head toward him to listen but not before seeing Emily frowning and look at him in disgust.

"I wish you all had appreciated the meals. I would like that the coven the Cullen follow Jonathan, a vampire. Elders, you will follow Lance, our chief, the brilliant mask will bring the Quileute packs, and I will bring your imprints in a different place. There they will be instruction intend for each group. After, this you will sleep while we discuss your case and tell you our final decision.

He followed as told and found himself in a big living room. The person stepped aside and extend his hand and motioned them to sit. He closed the door behind him. Sam took the letter that was lying on the table.


Well, that's all for chapter 4. I let you with little suspense. It will be a pleasure to listen to your speculation.

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