Chapter 28

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This chapter is dedicated to beckyp282316, xxBeeBsxx, fairyreader101 Teresa32

Toby's POV

"Sebastian Edison. You better put down that chocolate bar and go to bed or there'll be no presents for you tomorrow morning", I said narrowing my eyes at my son.

He smiled sheepishly before he dropped his head and walked out of the kitchen.

"I can't hear footsteps to your room", I called out.

I heard him squeak before he ran to his room. I chuckled and shook my head before grabbing the bowl of delicious treats and locking them in the upper cupboard. We were supposed to take it to the main hall tomorrow where a big feast will be held.

But knowing my son and my mate they'll be munching on it first thing in the morning before even brushing their teeth and we'll have nothing to take to the feast.

After hearing Bullet's incredible idea we all agreed to make it a day we could have every year. Everyone started preparing for the 15th. Meals were prepared and decorations were hung. The children had such a blast hanging up lights, lanterns, flowers, and balloons. The exhilaration was running high in the air and although it was a good thing the children were even more difficult to put to sleep tonight because they were too excited for tomorrow.

"Is he gone to bed?", Xavier asked as he peaked out from the laundry room.

"Hopefully. He tried to sneak a chocolate out of the bowl. He is so your son", I teased as I turned to look at him.

"Hey hey. How come he's your son and you're proud to introduce him when his on his best behavior but when he's naughty then his mine?", He protested as he came out of the room.

"Because he follows you. He sees you doing something and he follows. So if he does something naughty, I know he learned it from you",I say cheekily.

"That's not a fair judgment", He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"Oh? And who are you to complain?", I asked with a laugh.

"Mxm. You're such a bully to me. I'm going to report you to the Alpha Abused foundation", He threatened.

"Oh please. Complaining in front of the mirror doesn't make it the" Alpha Abused" foundation", I said, emphasizing the words with my fingers.

He gaped at me and all I could do was laugh.

"I'll get you for that", He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"I bet you will", I said with a wink.

I walked into the laundry room and grabbed the boxes of presents we hid for Sebastian. He doesn't come in here so it was a perfect place to hide the presents.

Xavier was currently dressed all in black. He said he was a ninja. Hence the all black outfit and the mask. He has already delivered presents to the pack members. He said he didn't want to be "Santa Claus" but the idea was more or less of the same, because Santa's fat, creepy and basically a thief. I mean the man comes into your house and eats your food. That's weird as hell.

He wanted to give people presents, thanking them for their loyalty and their support throughout the war. It was from all of us, Xavier, Xander, Justin, Storm, Carver, Bullet and I. We all pitched in because without them none of us would be here today.

He helped me grab the presents for Seb and the ones we got for each other. The one's for our family will be given tomorrow at the hall.

We worked silently to arrange the presents in front of the fireplace in the lounge. It was summer time and therefore they'll be no need for the fireplace. It just looks so pretty.

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