Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to sindydwinger


Toby's POV

Xavier opened my cell and I rushed out and into my mother's arms. I hugged her tight,tears streaming down my cheeks as I took a deep breath of her scent. It was like coming home.

I stepped back once I heard Justin's cell open and watched as he embraced Mum the same way I did.

Mum pulled me into the hug as well and we just held each other, tears streaming down our faces.

"My boys. It's so good to see you. Justin look how handsome you are. Toby honey you are so big now. Oh my baby's have grown into such handsome boys", She said smiling as she held our cheeks.

"Mum but how? I saw you lying on the floor in a pool of blood", I said and wimpered when the memory came to mind.

I calmed down a bit when I felt tingles spread over my back. I turned to look back and Xavier was smiling in compassion, while he rubbed his hand across my back soothingly.

Mum smiled when she noticed but said nothing.

He stepped back once Mum rubbed my cheek affectionately.

"Come this is not the place to talk. We have a lot to discuss", Xavier said his voice echoing in the cold empty room.

He turned and started walking towards the direction of a hallway. We followed him silently, Justin and I holding our mother's hands.

He nodded to two guards at the door and they opened a large steel door.

I blinked at the bright sunlight and walked outside.

"Wow", Was all I could say.

The land was absolutely stunning. The grass was a bright fresh green, flowers were planted everywhere and an orchard seemed to be growing on one side.

"I'm glad you like it", Xavier said sounding pleased.

I think I'm his mate. Please, God let that be. The man was an Adonis. I can't help but think of him naked, all those delicious muscles on display. I shivered pleasantly.

We walked towards what looked like a small village.

"The pack live here. We,Xander and I along with the Gamma live in the main house. We have our own hospital, a mall and a school. We have everything we need", Xander said catching the look Justin had on his face as he looked around.

We passed members of the pack playing with their children and everyone having a picnic.

They stopped and watched us pass by and some men growled at us.

"No need for that, all will be explained tonight at the meeting", Xavier said hushing the pack.

I caught Justin's eye and he was doing the same thing I was. We were both looking for Lucas, if he knows we're here, he might call Father.

We came to a stop in front of a large building. Four stories high and the size of a mansion.

"This is where we live. Xander and I are twin brothers so we have the third and fourth floor. The Gamma has the second floor and everyone is welcome on the first. The kitchen is here, where meals are cooked. The Omega's volunteer most of the time to cook but everyone has the chance to make a meal", Xavier said walking inside.

He walked over to a lift and pressed the fourth floor.

"This place is fit for a king", Justin said in awe looking around.

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