Woman of Devotion

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[To recap: Koutsuki had fallen into depravity and another existence within her had surfaced, Michal. This chapter will still be Koutsuki's POV as she get glimpses of Michal's memories.]

It's cold...and dark...

Where am I?

I try to open my mouth to speak but my voice won't come out. My eyes only see darkness with no bounds.

I stretch out my arms to my side,

This feeling? Flowers?

Underneath me are beds of flowers with no scent and as black as the darkness my eyes can perceive.

"My King, I arrived as you summoned."

A voice...?

Amidst the darkness, a ripple of light emerged. Colors followed and a mixture of light and black rukh formed a mirror-like portal.

I see silhouettes of two people. It's blurry but eventually comes to a focus and I get a clear picture.

A man of elegant robes, holding a formidable staff, was standing on a balcony overseeing a magnificent view of an ancient city.

"Ah, Michal. It is good of you to have come just as the sun is setting." the man said.

The woman glanced over the balcony towards the horizon. She sees as what the man sees. A sun setting, disappearing into the horizon, spilling orange hues in the sky and moons appearing just on time.

"Fufufu~ My King, I didn't know you liked such scenery." Michal mused.

The man gave a shallow smile, "I do not."

Light footsteps were nearing the balcony as the sky turned darker and the sun has fully disappeared.

"Ishbaal and Eleazar have also arrived, fufufu~" Michal announced.

The three mightiest of Elder David's mightiest knelt down before him.

"I have summoned you all tonight as part of the destiny which I have seen." David looked into his two fingers which he formed into an O shape.

Elder David smirked as though he had seen something amusing, "Feast with joy, for I shall impart wisdom and the visions of the destined future with the three of you."

"It is an honor to be basked in your wisdom, my king

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"It is an honor to be basked in your wisdom, my king." Ishbaal praised.

"Truly is your might overall." Eleazar praised.

"I am not worthy, fufufu~, but only say the word and my soul shall be." Michal claimed.

The King turned towards his loyal subjects, "I have seen great things woven by destiny. There is a great masterplan that awaits and the three of you, I have chosen, shall help me accomplish the tasks at hand."

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