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I awoke inside the king's chambers weak and confused. My servant, Fei who was wiping away my sweat suddenly teared up and yelled to call the attention of Mai, my older servant.

Both of them seemed relieved that I had woken up but their faces still showed worry as I tried to sit up and drink the tea they prepared.

"How long was I unconscious?" I asked.

Fei was uneasy as though she wanted to tell me something but Mai answered my question. "About a week, my lady."

"A week? What happened to the Summit? Where's his majesty? My brothers?" I inquired amidst my shock.

Fei gasped when I started asking my questions and Mai seemed to not know how to answer me.

"Did something happen? I would like an honest answer." I said as I grew a bit impatient.

"Princess! King Sinbad had gone to attack Kou!" Fei replied and broke down into tears.

"Fei! That's not what happened!" Mai reprimanded her.

"Then what truly happened?" I asked again. This time I eyed Mai harshly. "Tell me the truth, Mai."

Mai did not meet my gaze and looked down apologetically as she gave me an answer.

"Princess, just after you fell unconcious news about the Kou empress' death reached us. Prince Hakuryuu claimed to have killed her and questioned Prince Kouen's claim to the throne."

"What? That cannot happen! Did he start a civil war?" I exclaimed.

Mai nodded as she tried to console Fei who was still crying.

"What does Fei mean about Sin attacking Kou?" I asked.

"That...The King apparently sided with Prince Hakuryuu against Kouen and your other siblings. Prince Hakuryuu is now the new Kou emperor." She replied.

I immediately jumped out of the bed and put on any decent clothing I could manage. As I was about to open the door Yamraiha opened it for me.

"So you have awakened." She said concerned.

"Yamraiha! Please tell me Sin did not go to Kou! Please tell me Hakuryuu did not..."

But I could not finish my plea for Yamraiha's expression reflected all the answers to my questions.

"I'm sorry. The King only did what he thought was best." She said.

My knees grew weak. If Hakuryuu fought against my siblings and became the new emperor then...that means...Kouen-nii, Koumei-nii, Kouha, Kougyoku, Hakuei...what happened to them?

"My queen." Yamraiha put a hand on my shoulder. "You must get ready. Prince Kouen asked for a meeting with you as his last request."

"Last...request?" I trailed off.


I arrived at Kou with Yamraiha using one of Sindria's magic carpets. Yamraiha met up with Sin while a few Kou soldiers escorted me through the dungeons' long and dark hallways. We stopped in front of a rusted door guarded by four men. The guards escorting me said something to the soldiers guarding the door and they opened it.

Inside the room a person sitting on a chair with shackled limbs was illuminated by the light seeping through three small rectangular holes.

Inside the room a person sitting on a chair with shackled limbs was illuminated by the light seeping through three small rectangular holes

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