Lady Killer of the Seven Seas

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It has been 3 days since Hakuryuu, Kougyoku, and I arrived in Sindria.

Thankfully, the king has been too busy with paperworks to entertain us.

They offered us a tour of the palace. Hakuryuu and Kougyoku indulged but I declined. I said I wasn't feeling well so they let me off and told me they'd reschedule my tour. I realized how that was such a big mistake now because neither I nor my servants know our way around the palace.

Thus, we are stuck in my room until dinner. It wasn't all bad since the room had a balcony with a great view of the palace gardens and of the city beyond the palace walls. That was something refreshing than Kou's pillars and walls.

As I sat by the balcony, I stretched my arms and settled myself down on the chair. Feeling the warm breeze, watching the birds flying freely with a snow fox.

"W-what the?!"

I stood up from my chair and saw a long-haired white human fox-like thing flying in the air.

My voice must've been too loud that the thing noticed me as well and started flying towards my direction. I was about to run inside the room when I felt an arm hugging me from the back and a hand covered my mouth.

I was pulled against the human fox's body and he crouched and hid against the bannisters of the balcony. I tried to scream but the hand on my mouth muffled my voice. The fox whispered in my ear.

"I need you to be silent for a moment."

I could feel his lips touch my ear slightly and his breath was cold against my skin.

Outside by the garden I heared a male's voice calling out.

"Sin! I swear when I catch you I'm gonna bury you in paper works! Come back here!"

The voice passed and we waited for a few more seconds. I tried to feel up anything I could use to render this fox unconscious. By my side I felt a long fluffy object. I pulled it and the fox gave out a low scream displacing his hand from my mouth. I let out a few deep breaths and shouted.


But the fox pinned me on the floor and covered my mouth again.

"Calling out for guards now defeats the purpose of hiding from Ja'far." He whispered desperately.

" He whispered desperately

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"Look! It's me, Sinbad. This is one of my Djinn equips." I stared bewildered. Long hair as white as snow was in front of me. It was a majestic sight. On top of that he had a many long tails. That must be the fluffy thing I held a while ago.

En-nii, Koumei-nii, Kouha, Kougyoku, and Hakuei had shown me their Djinn equips but they were nothing compared to the cuteness I'm seeing now.

He released his Djinn equip form and reverted back to normal human Sinbad. He let go of my mouth but not my hands.

[Hiatus] A Hundred Nights in SindriaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя