Glorious Sindria

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"Your highness, the ship has entered the territory of Sindria." A voice behind my cabin's door said. I stood up from the desk and made my way towards the ship's upper deck.

As I stepped out into the deck I felt the cool wind against my face, the only part of my skin exposed.

"Your highness!" I heard a male voice shout. As I turned towards his direction I saw a familiar face.

"Your highness." I said with a low bow.

"You know you don't have to call me that, Hakuryuu's just fine."

I giggled and put a hand on his shoulder. "If that's the case, you shouldn't bother calling me like that either. How have you been?"


"And have you gotten better?" I asked jokingly raising an eyebrow in the process.

"I hope so. Otherwise..." For a second I felt an aura of malice from Hakuryuu. But then he smiled at my direction and pointed out to what I could see was a huge rock-like island with a hole in the middle.

"Look, Koutsuki-nee. That there is Sindria." I stared amazed as the ship passed through the hole and bundles of houses came into view.

The port was full of ships as well as people. In the middle of the island was where the palace was erected. I stared at the structures totally different than any from Kou. I admit it was my first time out of the Kou territory so this was quite overwhelming. But as the faces of the people by the harbor came into view, I knew Sindria was a great country.

"Let's go meet the king. They're all waiting at the harbor."

Before I knew it the ship had settled by Sindria's harbor. The cheers of the people were louder than I ever imagined and I seriously thought no one but the king and his generals would've come to greet us.

As we stepped off the ship. A man of great build approached us. He had long purple hair and tons of jewelries on his body that if it weren't for the muscles of his arms I would've mistaken him for a woman.

He wore a smile on his face and approached us with open arms. Behind him 7 adults stood; 1 blonde teen and 3 children. I recognized that one of the adults and 1 of the children were a fanalis because they fit the descriptions in one of the scrolls I've read. Supposedly, they were very strong and agile people.

Behind them were the people of Sindria. They were all smiles and gave of a warm vibe. But I was uneasy as to where to look. The men and women were less clothed than the people of Kou. I could see women's legs and cleavages and some of the men were brandishing their bare chests.

"Your majesty, I am the 4th imperial prince of Kou. Ren Hakuryuu. It is a pleasure to have gained such a welcome." Hakuryuu gave him a bow. Sinbad's smile didn't flee from his face. Hakuryuu gestured towards me and proceeded to introduce me.

"This is-" Before Hakuryuu could even start, a female voice boomed from behind us and as we looked towards the ship's deck we found Kougyoku and her attendants.

"Sinbad! We meet again, your majesty." Although, Kougyoku said it as sweetly as she could manage her malice was still evident. I knew she was on the ship with us but she told Hakuryuu and I that she was going to Sindria to settle something with its king. When I asked what it was she ran away and locked herself in her cabin so I presumed it was something she didn't wanna talk about.

 When I asked what it was she ran away and locked herself in her cabin so I presumed it was something she didn't wanna talk about

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The proceeding scenario was a chaotic mystery with Kougyoku accusing Sinbad of taking advantage of her during his stay in Kou. They settled the matter however, using water type magic lead by one of Sinbad's female generals. Her name was Yamraiha. As talented as she was, I felt a bit ashamed of looking in her direction for her breasts were overly exposed.

As the matter settled down Kougyoku was in disbelief. To save face at how she had acted I walked towards the king and gave a bow.

"Your majesty. It has been an honor to be welcomed with such hospitality yet we have smeared it with our behavior." I gave a stern look at Kougyoku's servants and all of them understood and got on their knees.

"If you find it pleasing. I would take my leave with my dear sister, princess Kougyoku back to our country at this very moment. But I would like you to please find it in your honor to respect the terms you have made with our empire and at least let prince Hakuryuu stay for the duration agreed upon." I didn't mean it but when I rose from my bow Sinbad's gaze met mine.

"I would also like to apologize on their behalf." Hakuryuu and his retainers bowed beside me.

"Haha. Don't worry it was just a misunderstanding. Nothing important to stain the calm relationship between our countries." This man named Sinbad puzzled me. For a king, he is not as stern and serious as Kou's emperor. As a leader he gives off a friendly vibe. But still, he is intimidating in his own way.

"Which reminds me, we haven't been fully introduced." Sinbad said walking closer towards me.

"Yes, of course. I am the 1st imperial princess of the Kou empire, Ren Koutsuki. It is a pleasure to have been received this highly." I gave another bow. As I was about to look up at him. I felt hands reach out for mine. Sinbad held one of my hands with both of his. He looked deeply into my eyes and came closer and closer that I could feel his breath on my cheek.

"It would be my pleasure to receive such beauty with open arms." I felt my heart skip a beat. Blood rushed to my face and shame immediately took action. I pulled back my hand and without thinking twice I slapped the king of Sindria.

So much for keeping my distance from him, En-nii!!

Gasps from people all around could be heared. For a moment Sinbad and I stood there shocked at what I just did. Then people started laughing.

"Woooah! That must've hurt." One of the people behind Sinbad said loudly. He was dressed in a loose white robe with gold ties and was dragging a small ball chain behind him.

"You alright, King Sinbad?!"

"The lady killer of the seven seas got shut down! Haha." The voices of the people shouting embarassing opinions against their king was shocking. Hakuryuu moved in between me and Sinbad and started apologizing once more. Then, Sinbad started laughing. Hakuryuu and I stood where we were, astonished.

"Hahaha! It has been a long time since someone slapped me across the face! Hahaha." The people behind him rallied with laughter. He turned to face Hakuryuu and held him by his shoulders.

"There's nothing to be worried about. I'm guessing I did something wrong to have offended her, right?" Hakuryuu gave a small smile before giving a reply. "Well, you were a little bit closer than what would be considered as a friendly conversation."

Sinbad looked at me from behind Hakuryuu. He then gave me a small bow and apologized. I nodded in reply still stunned by what happened.

"Woah, onee-san the rukh around you are all pink." Startled I looked around for the origin of the voice. I saw a young boy with long blue hair tied into a braid pointing at me.

"It must've been because she was embarassed." Another child with blond hair and lose pink clothes said.

" that so? Wow, you sure know a lot of this stuff Pisti-san!"

"Of course! At 18 years old you get to know a lot of adult stuff you know!"

Her reply further stunned me. 18??! This little girl?!

Oh great god, what kind of country had you sent me to En-nii!!


Short chapter!
Hope someone enjoyed this!

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