Chapter 4

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Wilbur's POV

When we got out of that place, I couldn't stop staring at the picture. I was holding 3 , the pic of Miguel Everglot, the picture of my family and the Everglots, and the family photo of Miguel.

I was staring at it for who knows how long as I kept mesmerizing the baby's eyes. No choice, I'm going back in there.

I moved my closet and entered the secret door. Walked down the stairs and opened the lights. Hope Carl won't see me.

The inventions on this room were all big and looks powerful and..also dusty.

I looked at the invention that Carl showed me earlier, the one that was said to be the reason why Miguel died.

It was so huge. There was a notebook beside it, a really dusty book.

I blew the dust away and saw it was just a plain notebook that has a name on it. My eyes widened.

This note belongs to : Professor Miguel Everglot


I opened it and it seemed like this was his diary. I read what was said on the first page.

This day went pretty well. Our family and the Robinsons are hanging out like good friends. Cornelius and Franny said their going to have a baby, how I wish me and my sweet Nicole will have our little baby angel too.

"This guy is really somethin."

I was about to open the next page when I heard someone screamed my name.


"Look, I just wanted to find out more about them." I replied

"What's that?"He asked referring to the note I was holding.

"This is Miguel Everglot's note."


He took the note away from me and opened it and I was trying to get it back.

"I was still reading that!"

"Let's just both read it so it will be fair." Carl said and put the note on the table.

"I been looking for this note for a long time. They said Miguel wants to warn us about something but he wasn't able to say it since he died."

He opened the note and we started to read.

Granny and Cornelius had a baby boy! I'm so happy for them and also to me and my wife. Were going to have our own baby cause she's pregnant. I hope my baby would be great friends with Cornelius' son.

Carl chuckled making me embarassed.

"Don't laugh Carl..its not funny.."

We skipped some pages that only had designs for new inventions. Then we saw another note.

We have a baby girl! She had Nicole's eyes. My beautiful baby girl is gonna grow up with me as her best daddy ever!

"Miguel really loved her daughter." Carl stated and skipped more pages.

The fraternity came and their after us and the machine we made. I don't know what to do. Cornelius isn't here to help me hide the machine. The Everglots and the Robinson family are in great danger because of this gigantic machine.

"When he meant machine, does he mean this?" I pointed to the gigantic machine.


We read more pages that described how powerful the enemies are. And we are down to the last page.

"Ready?" He asked me and I nodded.

We read it quietly.

Their too powerful and the only thing I can do is save my family and the Robinsons. I have to sacrifice myself. My dreams of being a father to my child will no longer happen, and she will grow up without a dad. I love my whole family and friends and I want to keep them safe forever but when I went to the future, I couldn't believe my eyes it was-----

As we saw the continuation we realized that the page was teared!!!

"Where's the half of this?!?!?" He asked me.

"I don't know!!I just saw that!!" I replied.

"Now we will never find out what he saw in the future!" Carl threw the note to the table. I looked at and a blue paper fell from it.

"What's that?" I asked and saw it was a picture of Miguel's daughter who still looked like 5 months old.

The baby was smiling with its blue eyes shining and there was something written behind.

The time you arrived to this world, I couldn't hold back my happiness but then I realized that no matter how much I wanted to be with you, I just can't. I will always love you my little angel~

                       -By Papa Miguel

I saw Carl started to get teary, which was weird cause he was a robot. Miguel really wanted to stay with her daughter but he can't cause he died.

"Oh man...that was pretty sad." Carl said and sat on some boxes

"It was and I feel bad for his daughter, where could she be now?"

I started to think till Carl fell on the boxes he was sitting and I helped him get up.

"You ok Carl?"

"I'm fine Wilbur but thanks.."

The boxes were on the floor and something caught my eye.

"Is that a chest?"

I took a closer glance and it really was a chest.

"What could be inside this?" Carl asked.

I was about to open it but it had a lock.

"Damnit ! It has a lock!!" Carl hissed in annoyance.

"Nahh relax, we can just crack this chest open. " I said

"You can't..look"

He pointed to a writing on the chest. It said.

This chest is a sacred one. A single break of this chest might cause an explosion. Inside this is a small but powerful weapon, the only way to open is to find its key. Keep this chest away from the enemies.If they have this, we will all die.

                           -Professor Miguel

"That's a bummer!" I shouted.

"I guess we should just forget about this."

"What?!" I asked in shock.

"This could help our family Carl and also the Everglot's. If we looked for the key of this chest, we might save the world! And gets to work with the Everglots AGAIN!!" I screamed in happiness.

"But how do we find the key?" He asked me.

"Don't worry, we'll just look for that key."

Forbidden Love: Wilbur Robinson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now