I dry my tears and go back to the bed where Handro was now crying. I immediately wake him up not being able to take it.

"Fuck I had the craziest dream" he sighs rubbing his eyes.

"I noticed" I smile.

"Well I should go to my room they're probably wondering where I been" he rushes his words and soon walks away.

I frown and go pick up Atiya who was whining.

Ma 💋- how's your baby, sorry I didn't show up

Me- she's great mom!

Me- can't wait for you to show up!

Once I finished up my conversation with my mom I sigh. Of course the time I'm going through hell my mom is out of state.

They took Atiya away for her shots about an hour ago. I was just alone with my thoughts that seemed to drown me. My heart ached and I tossed and turned from what seemed for like the longest. I hated this feeling.

Handro apparently was able to leave today but I think that would be the worst decision. I knew once he got out he would do lean.

I hear a light knock and I look up to see Franky?

"Uh hey" he awkwardly says and I sit up a bit.

"What's up" I say trying not to sound so confused.

"Just checking up on you the- uh the rest didn't wanna come but I think it was time for us to stop being douches and leave your and Geesy drama behind. Plus it wasn't our place for our opinions" he stutters and I smile appreciating he came.

"So the rest are still mad" I question and he slightly nods.

"Henny I- what are you doing here" Handro says crossing his arms, and sizing up Franky.

"Apologizing for us being childish"


"Wait so y'all are cool now" Franky ask looking between the two of us.

"Not entir-"

"Why do you care" Handro interrupts and I roll my eyes, can he ever stop holding up a wall and being so over protective over shit that isn't even his.

"Because you both are our friends nigga" I then see Kato walk in and my smile grows huge but it drops as soon as I remember he didn't even wanna see me. He most likely just came because Franky.

"Whatever" Handro says walking out.

"I'm so sor-"

"It's fine he's your friend you were just protecting him" I sigh.

"But I called you my friend so I should of at least been nice to you" Kato then sits near my bed and he grabs both my hands.

"We missed you and we're sorry" he smiles and I smile back.

"So where our new nigga" Kato ask looking around with Rob.

"What nigga" I ask confused.

"Your baby duh" Rob said

"It's a girl dummies" I laugh lightly.

"Her names Atiya" Handro says walking in with her. They all then rushed to the baby staring at her in awe.

"She came out a month early so we gon be here for a while" I explain and they didn't seem to hear.

"Why Atiya is should've been something cooler" Rob laughs.

"Like what weirdos" Handro rolls his eyes going to the couch to sit with Atiya.

"I don't know we fucking around, at least I am" Kato says and Rob shrugs.

They all kept talking amongst each other and stayed around Handro and Atiya. I watched with a smile missing how they goofed around 24/7 before.

"I missed you" Kato jumps on my bed hugging me tight and I cry out in pain.

"What happened" Handro rushes over to me and hands Atiya to Rob who looked nervous just with holding her.

"I- I'm sorry did I hurt you" Kato gets up looking guilty.

"No no don't worry I'm fine I- urm just after pregnancy and all" I smile weakly.

"Right well I'm sorry" Kato says getting off the bed.

"Bab- Hennessy you sure you okay" Handro worriedly ask.

"I'm fine"

He sighs, he then nods backing up.

Everyone was quiet now and they just turned their attention back to Atiya.

"Just sleep I got it with the Atiya shit alright" Handro says and I nod putting my ear buds in and playing some oldies to sleep on.

Need // Ohgeesy pt.2Where stories live. Discover now