You can be normal again

Start from the beginning

Gabe stared at her in horror, while Quent just gasped inside his head.

"But if you break our connection, what will happen to our feelings for each other? If that is broken, will we still be in love with each other?"

How had this happened so fast? Gabe asked himself. How had things gone from being so perfect to so terrible in such a short amount of time? Suddenly he was a dangerous criminal, and his family had no money and they were going take Quent away from him. Or at least, they were going to take Quent's feelings for him away which was practically the same thing. He couldn't deal with that. He could lose his money, his freedom, his powers- they could take that all away. But the one thing that he would not lose is Quent.

"Well, we aren't totally sure of the answer to that question," she said, bringing him out of his thoughts. "But if the connection is broken, then it is definitely possible, maybe even probable. However, that might not necessarily be a bad thing. In this world, you two in the relationship you have will face a lot of prejudice, a lot of judgement, a lot of pain. People might not accept you just because of the way you feel about each other. Do you really want that? Isn't it better this way, we can make all those problems go away. You can be NORMAL again."

She sounded like she really believed in what she was saying, like a parent telling their child to clean their teeth. She honestly thought that it would be better for them to not be in their relationship anymore. Gabe stomped to his feet, pushing the chair he was stirring on onto the floor with a crash.

"I don't want to be normal!" He yelled. "The only thing I want is Quent. I love him more than anything else in the world, I love the way he talks, the way he laughs, the way he smiles, I love his hair, his eyes, his face, his nose, his eyebrows, I love everything about him. I love the way that he organised the best birthday ever for me, before you all came along and ruined it. And I wouldn't give up these feelings for anything because I love the way he makes me feel alive."

"I'm very sorry," the woman said, immediately going from being caring back to emotionless again. "I tried to go the easy way, but it seems that isn't an option..."

"Gabe! Gabe, you need to listen to me." Quent shouted frantically inside his head, distracting him from that ominous last sentence."I know you're angry. I am too. But you have to concentrate. You need to freeze her. Now. Or we'll never get out of here."

"We're in a GOVERNMENT FACILITY. How are we supposed to get out of here anyway? Whichever way you look at it, this place must have crazy security and we're just high schoolers." Gabe replied despondently.

"I'm not so sure. I don't think this place is an actual government base. I think it's just a holding facility, a place to temporarily store people. So with our powers we might just be able to get out of here."

"How do you know that?" Gabe asked, slightly hopefully.

"That woman said something about the pink your room was painted, Baker-miller pink. She said it calms people down. Well, that's true, but it only calms people for a short amount of time. After that, they become even more aggressive. So what is the only reason you would paint a cell a colour that will eventually make the people in it more violent?"

"If you were only keeping them there for a short amount of time. Quent, you're amazing! But how did you know all that stuff?" Gabe exclaimed.

"Oh, I just know everything. Also I googled it because I thought it was bloody hilarious that your room was pink. But that doesn't matter. Right now you need to freeze her so we can get out of this place!"

For some reason, I really don't like this chapter. I'll probably edit it at some point, but I'm just not that happy with it. I edited it a lot already, but still. I just don't think it's quite...right. Can someone tell me what they think? I'd really appreciate that.

Well, next chapter should be better, some of the action is finally starting. It took longer than I expected. But I'm still not sure about all the action-y parts anyway. Ah well.

The next chapter should be out soon. Hopefully. Maybe? I don't know. As the author I probably should.

As always:


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