Scene 5 - Transferred, traveled, arrived

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Joe is inside the Rat Trap, the spherical containing the boy spins as the brain patterns are transferred into his head with the magnificent BIG RAT computer, which begins to slow down as the transfer is complete. The cage freezes as the two doors open wide up for the seat to return Joe to ground level. Mac and Sam are waiting at the controls of the BIG RAT and after transference is complete, Sam answers Mac's question.


Alright Joe, the transfer is complete. You now have the brain pattern of Arthur Philips, the world's best pirate and hijacker. You know Sam, I still don't understand how they could let Philips out of jail after all he has committed.


He was given a twenty-year sentence, and now I'm actually glad that it wasn't any longer.


Now I know what it feels like to be a pirate dad.


Yes, must be pretty fun and dangerous. But let's get your glasses then get after that ship.

The Jet Air Car is back travelling quickly by road for now, whilst inside the three sits ready for action as they discuss the procedure of the operation.

What time do we need to be there Sam?


Two hours from now. They will rendezvous at the border of France at Leon where they will take us via Heli Carrier ten miles away from the Panther 7V9.


Let's get a move on then.

Mac pulls the blue lever on his right again to enable to the car to fly. The magnificent Jet Air Car is travelling only metres above sea level at a fast speed. Nearby, a super-powered Heli-Carrier is surfacing along the sea delicately waiting for its arrival of the Jet Car carrying the WIN members. The militaristic Heli-Carrier's design features a long stretch of five lanes of the runway with a collection of army interceptors set along the end of the runways with another separate section featuring a port for helicopter landings, which is large for its own helicopters and is sat near the mighty engines winding around and around to stabilize the ship in flight. The tower control is by the right edge of the Carrier, the deck a relatively large, three-floored quarter. The World Navy logos are positioned around the side of the aircraft, the logo is simple and effective, with the words WIN incorporated in there somewhere. The Jet Car is decreasing speed and is starting to hover above the incredible ship whilst Mac contacts the vessel.


(Amazed)Wow! That is amazing dad! I've always wanted to fly aboard a Heli Carrier.


We won't be flying Joe, we will be sailing. Although the Carrier can fly, it would be better if we didn't put this in the Panther's firing range.


Do you know who does that belong to Uncle Sam?


The World Navy actually. It took them nine years to build and cost an estimate of five billion and a half dollars.


So how did WIN get involved in the first place?


It was reported by the World Navy authorities and we figured that this would be impossible for any man to penetrate the Panther 7V9, but a boy could. So that's why it is a job for Joe 90.


I'll call them.

Activating his portable communicator, Mac calls up the Command Deck of the Heli Carrier to confirm arrival.

World Intelligence Jet Air Car calling World Navy Heli Carrier, may we proceed to touchdown on your aircraft.


World Navy to World Intelligence, you may proceed.

The Car is now positioned over its available parking spot and gently drops to its position to park safely as guards, the Admiral and other military personnel outside observing the smooth landing wait to greet the members of WIN. After all three exits the car, the military personnel address them.

World Intelligence, may I welcome you to the World Navy. I am Admiral Shore.


Thank you, Admiral.


So then, let's get after that ship. Now, we'll brief you of the mission up in the Command Deck.


Oh no, it won't be me who will be the agent in this operation. It will be my son here Joe.

They all look down at little Joe with the Admiral looking confused.


Your son? But he is only a boy.


Quite right, Admiral. It would be impossible for any man to penetrate the ship, but a boy would easily gain access.


Erm gentlemen, shall we proceed with the operation? We need to brief Joe.


Yes. This way Joe.


(Smug) Thank you Admiral.

Joe 90: Panther 7V9Where stories live. Discover now