Chapter Forty

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Jacob POV



"Have a good day, that is due in tomorrow!"

The teacher said as we pushed out the class room. It was lunch now. I walked out to my locker. Only to see a nasty surprise waiting.

"Hello, baby."

"I'm not your baby, Amy. What do you want?"

"I want you of coarse."

She says putting her hands on my shoulders. I stop opening my locker.

"Get your hands off me, Amy."

She pulls a face like she just got slapped. Though that is what she deserves.

"Oh, give it up. Annie is gone. And you want me back."

She moved closer but I don't flinch.

"Kiss me, Jacob."

I put my hand on her chest and ease her away from me.

"Have a good day Amy, with out me."

Just at that moment she leans in to kiss me. I can't push her, or shove her. She is a girl. But I won't let her kiss me.

I side step her and walk away. Screw putting my books away. I won't let her get the better of me.


Annie POV



"Hello, is the head mistress in?"

I say as I come to the front desk. The head mistress signed me one day out of the hospital, yesterday. And for a meeting with her.

"Yes. Right through there Annie."

"Thank-you, ma'am."

I see the lady blush, and smile. It's because none of the girls here speak to the office like that. They are all dirty sluts. Giving the school a bad reputation.

I walk up to the head mistresses door, and knock once then push the door open.

"Hello, Annie."

She says as she comes around from her desk to help me in. Although I don't need the help right now. I won't decline it. She sits me on a couch in her office, and she sits across from me. Tea, coffee and biscuits in between us.

"Hello, head mistress."

I always start with head mistress then say ma'am. It just shows her, I know who she is. She isn't a lady off the streets. She is the head mistress of this school.

"What have we decided?"

"I have decided I want to study my classes. Somehow..."

I smile, but my mind trails off to what i will say next.

"... I don't want to leave this school, and don't want to fail either. I wish to stay in classes with the boys."

"Every week I will sign you out of the hospital twice. On two separate school days. So that you can go to class. What do you think?"

"Yes, I do like that idea ma'am. Support wise? What would I have?"

It was like making a deal, a bet if you like, with her. But she was keen with my attitude.

"The teachers will know, Jacob, Ryan and James already know. They will be there for your support. Do you feel you could do this?"

I mull it over in my head. It's what I want but a lot of stress. But It will kill my boring days at the hospital.

"Yes, ma'am."

She smiles at me, and pours a cup of tea for me. One sugar. Milk. She puts it on a small plate and hands it too me.

I take a sip, beautiful. Warm. Like luxury.

"Just one thing, ma'am."

"Yes, Annie?"

"Will the days at school for me, rotate. So Monday and Tuesday one week. Wednesday Thursday the next, and so on?"

"That sounds suitable."

That's how our meeting went down.

"When do I start?"

Is the last question I ask.

"Now, if you want..."

Fabulous. Just what I wanted. To start today, and leave the hospital behind for just a few hours.

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