Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

The Leaguers listened with rapt attentions as the demons (predominantly Robin and Raven) wove a complex plot wherein the Council leaked its Light Magic devices and weaponry in to the black market for illegal profit from humans, potentially exposing the preternatural world. Throughout their hypothesis-presentation, a single thought kept nagging at the back of Bruce's mind.

That thought stuck like PVA to such an extent that the moment the explanation had concluded, Bruce demanded, "And you didn't think to tell us this beforehand?"

His indignation was clear, and what was also clear was that he wanted a straightforward response from his son.

Well, Damian was all about straightforward responses.

"You didn't need to know.", he shrugged. "There was no reason to involve anyone else in a matter not concerning or affecting them."

Knowing fully well that Bruce would transform the situation in to a spat with his son, Clark intervened, "So, I think we should just think about what to do next", he turned to Batman, "-you can save this conversation for later."

Somewhere around them, Hal let out a quiet 'ooh, recked!' Receiving a signature eye roll from J'onn.

Assertive and keen to gasp more of this 'preternatural world' that his son and the Titan were depicting, Batman was the first to propose that the League (i.e. him) take over the entire investigation and Damian and Raven surrender all the information they'd gathered. That idea, of course, went down spectacularly...and Hell had frozen over; and Donald Trump was a respectful and articulate man; and Damian was a happy person.

Yeah...not so much.

"That's absurd!", Robin raged at Batman. "There is no logical reasoning for such actions to be taken- you just want to be in control! Tt.", the venomous green of his eyes flickered amber, "None of you possess connections or contacts relating to this case, nor the knowledge on the matter as a whole, or the social and political climate surrounding the case leave alone the impacts of any minor actions made! Resigning it to the League would simply hinder progress if not entirely halt it!", speckles of ruby surpassed the golden colour of his irises, sparking with demonic fury.

Facing his father (and experiencing odd gratification at being a similar height), Damian narrowed his blazing eyes, "Just accept for once that you don't need to know or do everything."

Physically separating the two, Clark pushed them apart, sensing both of them cautious glances. Neither Robin nor Batman broke eye contact, stating one another down until Bruce noticed that his son's eyes had changed colour. Shock registering on his face, Batman dropped the contest of wills, allowing the Justice Leaguers to intervene and give their thoughts.

Praying that the two Waynes could keep level heads, Superman stepped back, saying, "Look, I think Batman's got a point.", before Damian could butt in, he continued, "You guys could probably do with help -it isn't a small situation."

"Besides,", Barry added, "we've just been attacked by some lunatics using these 'light magic' weapons."

"Yeah, no offence or anything, but we can't just leave you to deal with our problems- we're the freakin' Justice League!", Hal contributed.

At this point, Raven couldn't keep her silence. She had thought it best that Damian deal with the JLA -Raven wanted to keep her cold profile with the League- however, the comments they had made were nonsensical!

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