Chapter 43:

Depuis le début

Jane smiled. Little did they know that he'd already decided.

As the deep swooping sound of a plane taking off began to ring, Jane yelled over the noise.
"I'll take a little break now. Let me just head over to the-" She looked back at the room she had her eyes on earlier.
"Wisp...wooden gift shop?" She read out the sign hung above the door.

Now, that was intriguing.

But anything to escape the tension of this table.

Jane tried not to trip as she made her way to the odd shop. Thinking back to Tarzan, she felt super bad that he had no idea what was going on.

The clanking of nails sure did put her out of her thoughts.

Jane paused a while, taking in the sights around her. Beautiful wooden items hung almost on every corner, the warm pine and sawdust smell filling the air.

It looked more like a carpenter's workshop, but why was a workshop at an airport?

Then she noticed it was well aerated. The sawdust smell coming off as pleasant, rather than choking.

"See something you like?" A cracked voice came from almost nowhere. Jane jumped back, looking round.

Really, she almost couldn't realise the source of the voice till she looked down.

A short, old lady stood, grinning at her, rubbing her palms in unknown glee.

"I- uh..."

"Need something for someone special maybe?" The old woman said again.

Jane looked back at the objects, wonderfully carved and constructed.

Yes. Perhaps Tarzan would love something from here.

"What do you think a special boy would like?" For a moment, she nearly slapped herself.

Cheesy much?

The woman scurried off deeper in to the shop, as if a particular direction was beckoning on her.
"We have just the things. Like er... like this!" She held up a small wooden bird. It's tail was long, much like a sparrow's and if Jane didn't know any better, she'd say it was a whistle.

"Oh that's..."

"Or this one." The lady quickly raised up a light calabash. "A jícara."

The lady's over excitement was too frightening.

Perhaps Tarzan would prefer a simple necklace from some other mall.

"Listen, I'm quite sorry for all the trouble but-"

"Mordu!" The lady suddenly bellowed.

Suddenly, a wood-sawing noise which Jane never even was aware of stopped. She began to hear heavy footsteps from a distance making way towards them.

The footsteps seemed to stop just before a brown door- which Jane still didn't notice it's presence.

With full swing, the door went ajar. A huge and heavily bearded man stepped out. He was dressed in a pale grey singlet and dusty cargo pants, his muscles taut enough to emphasize his Bear tattoo.
From behind him, she could see the floor littered with the actual sawdust and the room seemed to be the actual workshop.

Every item in the shop was definitely handmade.

"Mordu, what the hell is wrong with this calabash?" The old lady began shoving the base of the wooden bowl into his face.

The Mordu folded his arms and let out a deep grunt.

"Now don't you give me that growling nonsense. It has a crack in it. I don't include cracks in my works."

Mordu peered at the bowl again, never switching from his position.

"What do I do with you people-"

Jane let out a sigh. She really couldn't deal with this right now.

Just as she was about turning to leave, she heard the brown door open further. Her gaze instinctly went to what could have opened the door.

What she saw next had her brain reeling.

Dressed in something similar to Mordu, a smaller figure struggled to step out. In her hands was the handles of a wooden box, filled with more carved wooden items, probably to be hung up for display.
Her now shoulder-length red curl mass of messy hair danced unevenly upon her red shoulders, held at the top by a black face cap.

Jane couldn't help but stare as a rush of memories hit her.

The one who had questioned her while she was hanging up the talent show flyers.

The one who shot an arrow.

The one who was- has been- missing.

"Wait a minute..." Jane began, unsurely.

She could tell Merida recognized her, telling from the way the redhead nearly bolted immediately on sight of her.
Merida must have remembered her as well.

"Aren't you that-"

"You want to buy something, miss?"


"How the hell did you get-" Jane looked all around her, emphasizing her point.

Merida could only frown, knowing she couldn't keep up with pretence anymore.

"Can you not tell anyone I'm here though? I'll go back on my own will."

Jane couldn't even nod. Was she really crazy?
The redhead looked really tired and really red from stress and sweat. How could she keep on this kind of life.

"You are Merida, aren't you. Oh my goodness do you know how many people you've sent into a frantic state?"

Merida bit her lip and glanced quickly at the old lady, who seemed more pestered now with the carpenter man.
"You should go, understood? You should leave. Right now. And act like you never saw me."

The brunette was shocked. Merida didn't even stop for another second before quickly retrieving into the workshop once more.

Jane was anything but calm. Her head a total mess. Every single thing that had taken place that day it seemed to make her wish she had a panadol or two.
She just wanted to get the hell out of there.

But not telling anyone about it?

Oh no. She definitely had a big mouth.

A/N: Dedicated to miabelle530 for this great idea as to where to keep Merida.

Step into 2019 with pride readers! Kisses!

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