Chapter Twenty One: Burn

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'Me first! Vow one never mess with someone just to make them feel bad or to cause them pain' Riko signed.

'Vow two even if your angry or scared talk to thw other's' Eiji signed.

'Vow three, don't give up on yourself even if the going may be tough because your not alone' Takashiro said with grinning.

'Vow four, rememeber to EAT and actually take care of yourself' Genkei said glaring at Takura. Takura groaned 'oh come on I only forgot to eat for four days' he signed.

'Vow five, trust each other' Takura signed.

'Vow six, as a member of DICE you should try to stay positive' Mirai signed with a smile.

'Vow seven, the world is sh*t absolute f*cking sh*t so never contribute into that' Nao said 'also this is not a vow but whoever keeps stealing my chips stop it!' I laughed.

'Vow eight, have fun, no matter what just remember to have fun being a member' Tsuki signed.

'Vow nine, if you do leave this group' Kazue started 'we all wish you well wherever you go from here'

'Vow ten, even if it's scary and you feel completly alone remember our vows to each other' Chiasa signed 'and never forget the promise we made even when we are old and gray'

"You swear as a member of DICE to always live your life to the fullest? Never take away a second!" I asked them while signing for Chiasa.

"Yes supreme Panta lord!"


It's hilarious. Right when we decide to become better people we die for being villians.

Life is cruel. This f*cking messed up world is cruel. Just toying with our lives...surprised to be honest. How much sh*t I went through. Wonder if I can laugh anymore? Or smile?

Probably not. I don't think I would care if I could. There's nothing to smile or laugh about.

I can't hear their screams or voices anymore. They hurt and traumatized me for four years.'s quiet.

I can...get used to it being quiet. For the first time...heh...I think I finally woke up. After a very, very long nightmare...

Only to realize that there wasn't any point. Because the world I woke up to is even worse.


I woke up and immediately felt sweat down my brow. It's finally happened...they finally found me...all those cavaties- oh wait the sub.

Memories whiplashed in my head as I tried to make sure I regained composure. I could feel ropes around my wrists, there was a gag around my mouth, and I didn't have a blindfold.

Not that it made a difference much but at the very least I can stare him down when we meet face to face. Kind of.

None around the lower region of my body. Good. He thinks I'm still paralyzed.

I felt around the wall behind me and analyzed the situation to my best. I was on a soft surface probably a bed or couch and the room wasn't cold.

It didn't have any noises of the city nor of the wind. I already knew this couldn't be the warehouse.

No he wouldn't use the same place twice no matter how bad he probably wants to torture me.

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