Chapter Thirteen: Malice

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To be the bait was a bit ironic. A long time ago I was a leader, to basically a gang I will admit. Now I am the bait.

Harukawa was going with me to school, I still couldn't actually walk yet- I have to go to physical therapy for that. the time he finally gets me I'm sure I'll be able to at least able to walk with someone's help.

I wonder if they can see me. It won't be long now...I promise. I'll work as hard as I can...

Eventually a familiar sound of footsteps came, 'you took a while' I scolded her.

"I didn't have to come at all" she told me with an equal ammount of sass.

I couldn't help grinning a bit, heh...never thought I'd honestly thought I'd be working on Harukawa on something, other than those assigned partner projects back in the day.

Those never turned out well.

"They haven't seen you since Kiibo" she reminded me and I paused, 'do you think their going to bombard me?' I asked.

"They didn't when DICE died, so I doubt they will since the magical fairy also known as Saihara has come to save them from responsibility" She responded.

I laughed under my breath, "so your going to act like a vegetable again right?" She asked.

'Technically I don't really understand what I was even like in that time...I couldn't process anything around me' I answered.

"Still that's how you'll pretend?" She reinforced her question and I nodded. She didn't respond for a while, "kind of glad Momota isn't here then to think he lost you again" she admitted.

'How is he by the way?' I asked, "they didn't tell you?" She seemed shocked. I shook my head 'he's ok right?' I asked and Harukawa just sighed.

"He's in one of the final stages of his disease, no one knows whether he's going to live or not" she informed me.


"If he knew what we are going to be doing..." she started but I sighed 'I already know, but it doesn't matter' I told her.

"The school isn't that far away...I hope your a good actor" She said as we approached.

I immediately just went frozen into this one position. I'm sure to others my expression was blank and unreadable as it was often described to others.

This unreadable person.

I of course heard the snide remarks. I would never really ever adapt to those, and sometimes...they used words that reminded me of him.

"Your heart is a container, the more love you fill the more compassionate you can be, the more malice the more corrupted you'll become"

"Hey Daddy what's my heart full of?"

"We'll see how the world fills it"

The sudden memory almost alarmed me for a second. I didn't remember much of my Father. Most were bits and pieces sometimes sprung up in conversations.

Like when I asked my Mother why...and she had a panic attack about the mere mention of him.

I learned to stop asking questions. It doesn't matter, he's dead.

Aren't you a hypocrite for getting revenge also for dead this is for me.

"Ouma!" I heard a voice cry out, Akamatsu, the whole room was swarming around me I knew it.

"Harukawa? You brought him? I thought you guys hated each other" Amami asked.

"That was four years ago, now I just midly despise him" Harukawa told him, "and no one else would do it" she accused.

"Shoot...I didn't think of that...I can carry it on Harukawa" Amami offered.

"Don't bother you don't even know where he lives" she told him, "fair enough" Amami said.

I could tell he was nearby. Saihara. What? What do you want to say...just spit it out so we can move on with our lives...

"Hey Ouma" Saihara greeted. I didn't reply, "Atua noticed Ouma is a grape again!" Yonaga pointed out.

"DARN IT! Saihara what happened?" Someone asked, "what?!" Saihara cried out.

Oh yeah...they appointed him as my babysitter didn't they...

Based on his reaction though I got an answer or confirmation. He really doesn't want to deal with my problems.


Don't want him near if things get messy...


"Hey Harukawa?" I asked, we were completely alone in an abandoned area.

"What?" She asked, "is malice justified when they hurt you first?"


Dear Themis,

The boy has reverted to previous state and the detective longer assists in his care.

We'll proceed with the directions soon.

I still remember that face. That face covered in mischief and his eyes reminded me exactly of his Mother. But...they were also like mine. They had the hate and boredom for the world.

There's not much time now till I will see that child again. I wonder if he gave in to the vile thing we call malice yet?

The Boy With The Blank Stare: Punishment TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin