Chapter Fifteen: Last Message

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It was a normal day. At home my Aunt put on some stupid american cartoons forgetting how much I hated those when the door was being banged on like crazy.

What the heck...? It's the middle of the afternoon...? Wait is it finally happening? No they wouldn't knock. That would be stupid.

Would they? I don't have my tracking chip yet-

"Ouma!" I heard a familar voice call. Saihara...? I heard my Uncle grumble a bit, he had a long week testing to see how my body was adjusting to the implant.

"Hello?" My Uncle yawned, "sorry mr Idabashi I really need to speak to Ouma" Saihara explained.

"About what?" He asked, "I...I just need to" Saihara told him, he sounded panicked.

"I'm going to need you to calm down a bit, Ouma isn't in a condition for any real... how do I say it? Stress?" My Uncle told him though it sounded more like a question.

Saihara took some deep breaths, "please, it's important" Saihara pleaded, "ok don't do drugs...I need coffee" My Uncle yawned as he seemed to back off.

No. Come back. Don't leave me.

"Hi Ouma..." Saihara greeted. I didn't turn his way or acknowledge his presence.

"Look I know your mad at me right now but...I found something yesterday" he told me.

"In her room...can you please just trust me and listen to it? Also drop the act I know you're pretending." Saihara stated. I sighed.

'Fine, after that you go ok? I don't want to talk to you' I agreed to him. Saihara didn't say anything.

"Can we listen to this in private?" He asked and I nodded grabbing my chair and settling in as I headed to my room, Saihara on my tail.

'So what is it?' I asked, "just listen..." Saihara instructed. I didn't say anything as I heard him click play.

"Hey guys" Chiasa's voice immediately filled the room. My chest grew tight, her voice...she never used her voice in those last years.

"So how have you all been? How long has it been?" She asked. Why...why did you make this...? It's been h*ll without you guys.

"'re probably really angry at me huh? I'm sorry" She apologized. Sorry, sorry for what?

"I'm sorry I lied" she stated, "I'm sorry I died" she admitted. No. No it was my f*cking fault. Why did you even make this? Did you know?

"Ever since we were young I never told you guys the truth huh? I eventually told you I was sickly...especially when I went deaf but never anything else.

"The truth is I was dying"


"I'm sorry, I didn't even know for a long time though...even now I'm shaking while saying this...I must have wrote out this message a thousand times...but nothing I say really works...

"So I guess I'm going off book, what's planning am I right?" She laughed. That same laugh. The same laugh she gave me the day we promised to accomplish our dreams together. The day before those dreams broke. The day before she died.

"When I was young it was really lonely to be honest, when my Dad left me I was alone with my Mom...

"I love her but she never really seemed to see me as anything other than a corpse.

"Ever since I was born I was sickly. Ever since I was born I didn't meet espectations. Ever since I was born I was alone cause no one wanted to get close to the baby thought to die the day she was born.

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