Chapter Twenty Six: The Symphony

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There was twenty six seats set out. Only fourteen were filled. It's strange. Every year the staff try to take away those desks in the classroom.

The teacher never let them. When they tried to add new people to our classes she outright refused.

I guess thats why everyone was so confused when Shuichi Saihara came into the class.

No one knew this boy at all. Not only had he been allowed in our class after four long years of basically being quarantined but he didn't get a new desk.

He sat right next to me. A desk of a deceased student. It meant on the anniversary we couldn't put flowers on the desks.

We didn't want Saihara to know. And because if we did...he would probably think we were bullying him.

Today though all those seats have flowers.

It was announced just a week ago. After a long battle Momota...Kaito had died of his illness. It was a sad moment, he was a good friend.

Ouma didn't come to school for a whole week. Maki nearly two. I guess they knew him best.

It's kind of funny. I remember those three hated each other when we were kids. Ouma was always pranking Kaito and Maki and they would always try to catch him and his friends.

And sometimes they did. Or the occasional times they all would get sent to detention.

Then...that day happened.

Momota pratically was superglued to Ouma and supported him. I wish I did something.

I just...every time I even thought about made me sick. Sad excuse but it's my reason why.

Angie made a card. But it was probably a bad idea since Ouma couldn't even look at it.

This year has been strange. A weird boy showing up at the second half of the semester.

Momota leaving us behind.

Kiibo's suicide.

And Ouma...where do I start? He just...I don't know. He seemed to be getting better but then reverted back to his old self.

As for right now...he doesn't seem to have changed much. I glanced down at the CD I had placed in a box.

It was full of songs I loved along with some of his nightcore stuff. I asked everyone in class and we ended up filling the CD to the limit with Japanese and English songs.

I'm going over seas to grow as a pianist. I don't know when I'm coming back to Japan. Rantaro and Miu are going with me though.

Rantaro for his adventures, Miu because she just seemed to want to be in on the fun.

This could be the last time I see Ouma. So...I guess it's a good time as any.

I stood up and walked over to where Ouma was and crouched down getting on his level. He didn't acknowledge me at all.

"Hey Ouma" I greeted. This felt strange and really tense. Why wouldn't it though?

"I got you something" I said and handed him the bag and he raised an eyebrow. It was a split second action.

"I...I wanted to say sorry" I finally confessed.

"How long have we been classmates again? I'm pretty sure we grew up together...I just wanted to say sorry for not helping you or your friends when you guys needed help...

"For all my actions back then...when I was an immature kid. And even when I thought I had grown as a person...I just continued leaving you there. To rot I guess.

"I was just wondering...if we could maybe be friends? At least know I'm sorry and I wish I did something...I think I might regret that for the rest of my life..." I admitted.

Ouma didn't do anything. But eventually gave me a small nod. It was quick, no one else around could have seen it. But I did.

I don't think I ever smiled as much as I did then.

"Well sh*ts we've made guy's have officially become to be you..." Ms Jin said on stage.

"The class is a bit smaller than it should for all your departed classmates remember them" she said.

Whispers filled the hallway and the staff gave her dirty looks and she just continued.

"For those who can't stand here with you today, never forget them. You are stronger as a class for what you've had to face, so never lose these bonds.

"Whatever kind of future you younglings are going for do it with confidence.

"I can feel the stink eyes so I'll end this early. To my dear students I can't even count the numbers of gray hairs you've given me. Still, bye" she said and walked off the stage.

I clutched onto the new piece of paper dictating my graduation and everyone cheering. Talking about the after party later.

Yet...when I walked outside the school I paused when I saw two men in black talking to Ms Jin.

Miu and Rantaro then came back and we ended up going to the party, I guess it was probably nothing anyway.

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