"I know you're kidding but real talk, when would you even use the unit circle."

"Every time you look at a circular object."

"Oh yeah, that makes sense."

"I know, I usually do."

We laughed again. Nancy just looked at us. There was no humor in her eyes. She probably thought we were stupid. Which I guess we kinda were. 

Hannah, Kayden's sister, ran into the coffee shop right then. "Jules, come here, I have to show you something!" Her eyes lit up, and she was running with so much spunk. Her hair was in pigtails, and I wanted to scoop her into my arms and cuddle her. 

She grabbed my hand and I stood, tripping over my crutches as I put them on. Despite the way my stomach clenched as I walked, I followed her. We went outside.

"Look, I made you a snowman!" she said.

The snowman was maybe 2 feet tall, with one arm, three eyes, and it was so cute. I grinned. "Thank you so much, Hannah! This is so beautiful, I can't believe you did this for me!" I hugged her, and she looked so proud of herself. I stayed outside to play for a little while longer, and even made a snow angel, but then I shivered. I was wearing one of Kayden's giant sweaters, but it was definitely not enough to keep me warm in the snow.

When I went back inside, a lot of the customers had left. Kayden and Nancy looked a bit serious, which was a huge step from what it was before I went outside. Without saying anything, Nancy made me a cup of hot chocolate, and told Kayden to go into the back if he wasn't going to help. I followed behind him so he wasn't alone, up the back stairs to their apartment. The air was awkward  and tense as we sat on the couch, looking at anything but eachother, and I started to wonder if I should have followed him. 

I cleared my throat. "Um.. Sorry. I'll go." I started to grab my crutches.

"Wait no," he blurted out, quickly standing up to stop me from going. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

"About...?" I tilted my head. 

"Jules, tell me about the war."

Ah, that's what he's thinking about.

"Well," I started. "I don't know as much as I should. But... From what I have learned, there's two sides of hell. These three demons are trying to fight over who will be in charge. I don't know what happened to the last ruler, but the names of the demons are Colava, Elliot, and Damon. I've met Colava, the other day, actually, and according to her, I've met Damo-" I felt my face turn white as I realize where I've met Damon from.

"Are you okay?"

My voice was far away when I answered. "I'm... fine..." I phased out, trying to push the thought away. When I talked again, I felt so empty, and responded like a motor. "I have not met Elliot. All I know is that the three of them want to be ruler. However, for some reason, they need a strong host to rule. I know it has something to do with the gun, but I'm really not sure what that thing is. And I'm one of the strongest hosts, apparently. Colava told me it was because I'm strong willed, and my heart is pure, but I don't fully believe her. I know that's part of it, but I also know there's more. I'm just going to have to find out whatever it is later on."

Kayden looked deep in thought. "That sounds.... stressful."

"Yeah, it is."

"I'm sorry."

"You know, I've never understood why people apologize for things that's not their fault."

"Because there's nothing else to say, really."

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