Chapter 5

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The front door slammed shut, and I heard my mother yell for me. I was currently sitting on my bed reading. I yelled back, "I'm up here!" I looked at the clock and it red 8:00 PM.

"Okay, just making sure!" She yelled back. "I'm going to make some homemade spaghetti is that okay?"

"Mom, that's more than okay!" I loved spaghetti, it was my favorite food. Especially when it was homemade.

Pots and pans banged against each other and I knew my mom started cooking downstairs. The sounds of chopping and sizzling of certain spices and vegetables made me super hungry.

I put down my books and started walking downstairs. I tripped over my sweatpants, the feeling of falling making my heart race, but I thanked the heavens as I caught myself.

The smell intensified and made my stomach growl all the more.

"Mom," I whined, "When is it going to be ready?"

Her back was to me. She was stirring the cooking noodles, but she didn't respond.

"Mom?" I asked, now unsure.

Abruptly she fell, hitting her head against the side of the pot. The boiling noodle water fell on top of her. She didn't do anything. Didn't make a sound, didn't even writhe in pain. I wanted to cry for her.

"Mom!" I screamed, and scrambled over to her.

Her eyes wouldn't open. I checked her pulse, and she was breathing, so that was okay. "Mom, you better be all right," I whispered.

I ran over to the sink and filled up a large cup with cool water, and poured it over the place where her skin was burning. There were several blisters on her arms, where most of the water got on. I gently peeled off all of the long noodles, then peeled off her shirt, not wanting it to get worse.

I decided the cup of water wasn't enough. Despite the pain my body was already in, I pulled her up over my shoulder and began to carry her body to the shower.

At barely five feet, I didn't usually have too much of a problem carrying her. But my legs and stomach were bruised. I limped to the bathroom, and as grntly as I could, Set her body in the shower.

I grabbed the shower head and turned on the cold water. It fell on her skin, and I could almost see the steam rising from the difference in temperatures. I began to pray to whatever there was that she would be okay.

Just as I decided to get the phone to call 911, her head snapped to mine, making me jump.

She opened her eyes as quick as lightning and they were the same black as Mr. Lawrence's eyes were. The thing inside my mother pushed me, but I didn't just fall to the side. The thing gave my mother strength like I had never seen before, on anyone. I flew across the room and since the door was wide open, my back hit the family picture in the hall that we took when I was fifteen.

It shattered across the floor and I landed on top on the shards, causing me to lose my breath. The whole right side of my body was painted in blood. My blood.

"You have been such a liar, little girl," mom- the thing said.

"I - I don't know what you're talking about, honestly!" I managed to gasp out.

"I know you know where the Winchesters are. I saw them earlier today. You will tell me WHERE THEY ARE!"

My mother picked my whole body up with one hand. It screamed and with a flick of the wrist, I was thrown into the living room, hitting the window this time. Vaguely, I heard the sound of car doors slamming, but mostly all I heard was the sound of ringing in my ears. I could see black spots in my vision; I must have hit my head when I flew like a bird. Ny mother's body came closer to me before I blacked out.

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