Chapter 21

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I was happy. It was as simple as that.

I could do whatever I wanted. I could see whoever I wanted to see, and all I had to do was want to do it. I could only describe everything as one word: perfect.

No matter where I was, trees surrounded me. I always had my friend Cleo with me and we would basically do whatever we wanted. The freedom was nice. Sometimes we would go swimming in a pond. Sometimes we would dance, the two of us as we bounced around to loud 80's rock music. We would watch our favourite movies. My favourite times were when we would simply lie on the roof of my house and try to memorize the millions of stars and constellations. It was always serene.

At the moment me and Cleo were having a picnic. She was frying burgers as I set out all the fruits on the blanket. I looked up at her and asked jokingly, "Why are we always doing something? Can't there just be a day when we just stay at home and sleep?"

"Of course, Jules," she replied with a smile. "If that's what you really want to do, then of course you can..." She pased. "Heaven is a happy place. You want to finish this food, though, right?"

Without taking in my sudden frozen body, she turned and flipped the burgers, and I felt like there was some unscratchable itch in the corner of my brain.

It clicked. "Am I in heaven?"

Cleo's high, angelic voice laughed. "Of course you are. That's why I love being here... Because everything is perfect, my friend. This land is perfect, the places we go are perfect... and being with you is perfect."

I stood up quickly, wishing with all my heart that I could be away from where I was. I needed to leave. 

Within the blink of an eye, I was sitting in my old truck and a long stretch of road was in front of me. A forrest of pine trees surrounded the narrow dirt road. The trees were so thick I could barely see past the dark thin leaves and trunks. Each end of the road had no vanishing point, and they both seemed like they went into utter darkness. It could barely see and the only lights I had were from the stars, and for some reason, each one shined a little dimmer than the night before.

"Why am I here?" I inquired aloud.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, and I froze in my leather seat. A whispering began within the winds and sometimes I heard, "Go back for happiness," or , "Keep going," and I didn't know what I was supposed to do.

I couldn't think, and I wished for it to go away.

Suddenly I was no longer in my car anymore. It was gone, but I was sitting in the exact same place as I had been, along that same stretch of road. This time, however, it seemed darker. I looked up into the sky, and half the stars were gone. I frowned. Why was it getting darker? I thought this was heaven? Wasn't it supposed to light up?

Yes. A voice reverberated inside my head but when I turned around to see if there was anyone that had said that, I stood up slowly to see who it might have been.

Or what, said the same voice.

I started to turn in slow circles, wondering if I could find whatever it was. A slow, dark feeling stroked my back with its chilled finger. Rusting came from my right and a shadow moved from one side of the ground to the other. There was nothing there to give it a shadow.

I watched the shadow move. Sometimes it would go so fast that it would take my eyes a few seconds to adjust and find it. Other times I would stare as it lazily made itself in a circle, eventually cornering me in the middle of the road because I felt like I couldn't go anywhere. I frowned as I realized that that's exactly what it was doing; it was cornering me.

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