Imagine| Rise up

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Be warned this is a long chapter. The longest I have ever written this chapter has 2157 words. But I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you like it

Mutation: Earthquake generation- sub-power of earth manipulation and disaster manipulation.

Mutants have been on the run from humans for years. They have been prosecuted, executed and experimented on.
The game changed when a group of humans formed a society: mutating themselves using mutants blood in hopes of becoming mutants too. Mutants knew them as hybrids. The only mutants they aimed to kill the humans and the original mutants. The mutations created were erratic and unstable results.
This was why you were on the run: Xavier's school for gifted students had been destroyed years ago with the majority of the students slaughtered. The survivors dispersed and had been on the field ever since forced into hiding.

You had lost so many friends, lost your family and now you had no idea where and if the ones closet to you were alive.
Your anxieties grew as you waited in an abandoned railway keeping sure to stay in the shadows ... waiting.

Absentmindedly you fiddled with the ring on your finger: the family rings of the Worthington. You remembered exactly when Warren, your boyfriend gave it to you after the riots broke out.

You watched silently as the news flashes showing the barbaric marking on original mutants and humans. Warren approached you at the sight of him a smile erupted on your face, and you opened your arms eagerly and snuggled closer to his hold.

You whined as the warmth left when Warren pulled away: the ring he always worse the family ring he slipped onto your finger, "we know there will be a battle coming. keep this, so if we get separated we can find each other"
Usually, you would have laughed Warren was not 5e one for cliche romantic gestures, but the seriousness in his eyes proved to you how real this was.

You allowed the angel to slip the ring onto your finger and you engulfed him in a hug. That was the last time you saw him.

A noise interrupted your spiral of thoughts, and you stood your back flush against the rusty wall. You breathed in deeply in a attempt to calm the erratic breathing.
The footsteps drew closer until stopping beside the corner of the wall taking your chance picked up a rock heaving it over your head ready to defend yourself.

You cursed under your breath as a twig snapped under your foot it felt like your insides turned to ice. Lunging forward to the surprised face of the intruder only to be frozen in your step

"Y/n ?" A voice cried
You knew that voice, the person in front of you lowered his hand from his red glasses, Scott.
Dropping the rock whatever hold the telepath had on you faded as you turned. Upon seeing the familiar bright red hair, you lunged yourself into Jean arms.
"Scott!" You greeted pulling him into a hug

"You got my message. That's good" Jean breathed
You weren't surprised to see how worse for wear the pair of them look no doubt you didn't look much better being on the run didn't leave the luxuries of clean clothes and a warm shower.

Hours passed and slowly like a snail race more mutants squeezed into the deserted room. A lot you noticed sadly not everyone had escaped close call with the hybrids obvious from the scars, battle wounds.

Your eyes couldn't help wonder through the crowd in hopes of seeing a pair of wings. You saw many mutants you've never heard of: a girl with a white streak in her hair talked quietly to a man with red eyes and a spear attached to his back. You saw Logan in the corner holding a cigarette to his mouth pushing your way through the jumble of people stopping in front of him.
"It's good to see you again Logan" you smiled spluttering under the smoke.
" Hey kid" he spoke

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ