Imagine| who knew it would be this Complicated part 2

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Hi guys XD
I'm back ( I said that last time oops) but I'm really trying to get back into the habit of updating twice a week.
This story is part 2 of a 'mini-series/story' of sorts. It wasn't requested this purely just because the idea came to me and refused to leave.
Happy reading

The new azure sky had since darkened as the inky cloud spilt drenching the air.
You remember thinking to yourself as you seated now dressed in the black, yellow skin-tight flight suit 'what was the chance of being forced into a mission with the very being who you despised' it was complete nonsense.

The jet shuddered violently and after a moment's hesitation of which your gaze fell upon the cherubic appearance of the golden-haired blue-eyed boy meeting his gaze you resumed your deadpan gaze at the wall to his left.

The bird hovered over what you guessed the vast ocean that hosted the decaying ship graveyard. Almost dreamlike you unbuckled yourself and swayed dangerously close to the Bombay door.

Hank who operated the jet turned in his seat, "keep contact, and if things turn sour we will send backup.'
With those final words you were - most grudgingly - harnessed against Warren.
You shuddered at the direct contact and felt uncomfortably hot under the collar you felt two arms wound loosely around your waist and looked over your shoulder to Warren. You were pleased to find he also held a look of disdain that causes a ripple in his otherwise infuriating perfect face.

You poked the man playfully and spoke with a voice wavering with sincerity, " now-now Worthington I know it would fulfil your life ambitions to watch me fall to the ocean below, but that can wait now do not drop me."
He looked stunned down at you, his eyes wide and you noticed that there was a tiny bit of green in his eyes.

After a moments silence, where you were considering the angel's lack of retort as a sign of illness, was rebuffed,
" do you think so little of me l/n " he said humorously
"Just go."

You had screwed your eyes shut against the wind that slapped your face as the pair of you flew lower and lower to the collection of broken down boats. Your heart was pounding madly in your chest, and you vaguely remember squeezing Warrens hands in your own until your knuckles turned white.
The air seemed to have stopped attacking you, but you kept your eyes shut: shaking still you didn't realise Warren had unharnessed you,
"Your such a scaredy-cat " he taunted from behind you

That bought you out of your revere and shook yourself the fear rolled off like a blanket.
Warren had settled down in the biggest darkest ship it hull was a skeleton, and the floor in front of your had a thick layer of salty dust and shattered lamps, rocks and tins. The walls were damp, and moss grew from the gaps and where sunlight peered through broken boards cobwebs were illuminated.

The overall appearance wasn't all that had you stumped. It was the smell. The smell of death and thick fishy salt. Your stomach leapt to your mouth as your eyes fell upon the bloodstained wall that leaked into a puddle. That was not fish blood. You stood still, and the mutilated faces of those victims swarmed your vision.

The face of the what you presumed a ten-year-old girl haunted you: her entire body was caved in as if all her insides skeleton and all had been liquified then frozen her face badly slashed leaving only inches of bare but bloody skin.
Then your mind began a slideshow of the mutants and two other humans who had suffered the same result. Then the picture moved and whispered through dry and grassy voice your name.
Horrified you stepped back slipping in the blood your eyes transfixed on the face whose mouth- puppet like was yelling your name. It reached in long-dead hand towards you and grasped with nothing—

"Y/n!" The room fell black as they reach your shoulder and you stared at Warren who stood in place of where the grotesque puppet was.
Warren had his wings spread out blocking the bloodstained walls from your view; you stood there numb under his gaze.

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz