Imagine| Ocean for a Heart

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^^ I created an asthetic collage for inspiration for this chapter just cause ( yea it pretty bad but whatever)

This was requested by @AnnaWolf1017
Sorry for the wait. dam writers block I hoped to publish it on my birthday but I wasn't happy with it so tried fixing it.
It was a really nice request and I had fun creating the characters powers but I feel like this update doesn't give the request justice.
So if you have anything in this that you want changed of added let me know :)
Enough of me... happy reading

As usual your routine consisted of you sitting by the lakeside basking in the warm spring air. The sun a blanket over your tan body. Your reflection smiled up at you big emerald blue eyes like the water itself glimmered mysteriously, the reflection moved its head the luxurious dark wavey hair with ocean blue meets aquamarine blue highlights move with the reflection.

You slid gracefully into the water and let the familiar surface wash over you. It was exhilarating. You watched the bubbles fade to the surface in front of you, and when the water cleared you could see the sand like a crystal glass, the aquatic grass and kelp parted for you bowing as you glided closer.
Ara: an ancient eel which has been in that lake since you can remember brushed you. You raised your hand, and Ara floated under it.

For you the ocean, the water it ran through you like blood. It is your oxygen though you could breathe on land. In fact, Warren often called you his Siren, his little mermaid.
Speaking of the devil you could see his distorted silhouette on the surface of the lake.
You smiled still in content you allowed the water to seat you on the lakebed- you sat legs folded face looking upwards as you would cloud gazing.

There was a ripple in the smooth, calm water and a pebble landed on the sand among the other assortment of shells and rocks. Then another one, and another one until there was a handful on your lap. You frowned and hurled the pebble right back to its owner.
Within seconds you breathed above the surface and smiled at Warren who grinned at you, "knew I would find you here"

Warren sported his famous leather jacket from of which you had yet to wear ( he is very protective of that )
And denim jeans those of which took up his whole wardrobe along with sweatpants.
You pouted and lifted your hand in the air knowing Warren couldn't say no.
It worked just as every time Warren sighed however leant down his arms snuck around your waist under your arms and lifted you from the water.

With a flick of your hand, the water fell of you leaving you clad in a royal blue bikini. You couldn't help but smirk seeing Warrens gaze on you yet remained oblivious to the hammering in your heart.
Warren held out your clothes, and you snatched them up pulling over the tan jumper and ripped jeans.
" Anna we have to get going class started hours ago," Warren said running his hand through his blonde hair
" didn't ask you to stay" you replied moving your hair from in front of your face, "plus Worthington we have zero classes together. We are in different years"
Warren pretended he couldn't hear you and looked you dead in your  eye, "if you don't move then I will carry you. Like last time" his voice was low and warning.

You shifted to you other foot, arms crossed, "why should I go they all call me sea witch" you said sourly
Warren reached forward tucking a stray strand of dark brown hair behind your ear, "and they all call me the bird or the devil or apocalypse."

You pulled away from Warren touch and narrowed your eyes: recently Warren has been more touchy. If you could call it flirty? But that would require him liking you which is so out of the picture. Of course, you noticed glumly he probably thinks you sang a love spell on him- you could and you would if it had a purpose or how you used just well to cause you could but somehow you couldn't do it - not to Warren.

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant