Imagine| Its about Time

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This was requested by @MonkeyGrace04

Sorry, it took so long for me to upload I had the flu, then I was in the hospital and I haven't had the energy to do writing so it's not my best writing-  feel free to ask for me to rewrite it better. Hope you like it and happy reading!

Time. An infinite amount of seconds of moments. Time is existence and consists of the past, the present and future and is hella poetic.  Time is uncertainty but it is the one thing that never changes. Seconds wasted. Seconds taken and you had the power over that. You have everlasting awareness of time, the influence that no human should have control over three aspects of existences.

You glanced down at the watch on your wrist that reads: 11.59.50. 

You grinned bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet. Five more seconds. Two. One. 

Hank released the wasps and the room filled with a swirl of the hum of buzzing yellow winged creatures. You smirked and like a click within your body, within the blink of an eye, the flick of a finger the room stood still. You smiled in awe of your work and looked around the room. Yellow jackets hovering midflight in various places stemming from the box in the middle of the danger room. 

"Okay, Hank I did it. You can put the stingers back in the box"

The dark blue walls slid open and hank entered, "amazing! Vortex this is the fastest you ever got for it to them to freeze." You straightened your back and thanked the scientist,

 "damn straight. It is just simple timey wimey stuff!"

You entered the hallway and beamed brighter and your heart twirled when you saw your friend Warren leaning against the wall. Warren was in the year above -although only 5 months older than you. The blonde-haired, British accent, the green-eyed mutant with pure white angel wings and one of the tops in the combat. He was even training to be an xmen. Upon seeing you he grinned and pushed off the wall stretching his wings and approached you.

"Hey, Cathi. congrats on new time score. you're on the way to being an xmen"

You snapped your fingers, "I'm gonna be an xmen like that and all you're gonna be seeing is dust" oh no why did I say that? *mental facepalm* You glanced around the room, looking up at the ceiling, your face felt like an oven.

You looked back at Warren and immediately looked away because you could have sworn he was staring at you. You looked back and started pulling at your sleeve. Warren stepped towards you and you swayed nervously. Your insides felt like jelly and your heart was beating so fast you feared he could hear it. Warren reached forward. His face - which was so infuriatingly perfect - was so close to yours. Your eyes flitted from his green eyes then at his hand which brushed past your cheek. This time you were the one frozen in time. He tugged at a strand of your light brown hair that you remember Warren would argue was dark blonde. He pulled his hand away suddenly. Looking into Warrens green sea like eyes you forced yourself to look away. "wasp" Warren said and you snapped out of your reverie and watched Warren flick the yellow insect that was in your hair away. You exhaled loudly and begged your heart to slow down. Gosh, this crush thing is really messing with you and you vowed last week you'd be over it - be over him by now. Clearly, you were not. After you finally got yourself together and had a snapback remark you barely had time to mumble thanks to his back as he retreated into the training room.

The next day you had not only had multiple awkward butterflies in your stomach with Warren that you have decided you needed time away from him. That plan failed. The second was just ignore this whole crush thing you weren't a little 13-year-old schoolgirl that got heart eyes at every guy. You were 15 and you were not going to let a handsome, kind, angelic, young man embarrass you. 

The thing is...  Warren and you spend a lot of time together. You were really good friends ever since being introduced by Kurt. It was odd to not spend time with him but until this crush thing wears off you deemed it for the best.

The middle of the week had essays and assignments left and right. You found yourself having the luxury of finishing it all - in your time paused reality - satisfied you grabbed a bite to eat and resumed your quiet stroll around the grounds. You were obscurely lost in thought during your walk you were surprised to hear someone yell your name out as you were passing the lake. 

You looked up to see Warren swoop down towards you beaming.  "Hey Warren" you greeted sharing his smile. Warren straightened up he was only a couple centimetres taller than you. there was a chorus of sniggering and laughter. You glanced over Warren wings at his friends on the steps near the gym, "looks like your friends want you" you laughed despite feeling cold.  Warren looked over his shoulder and the corner of his lips turned down only for a second before he looked back at you with his most charming smile. You had a theory he smiled like that purposely because it made your knees go week. You began to continue walking until Warren caught up. 

" I thought you were with your friends," you asked as you stopped watching the fall breeze strip the leaves from professor's favourite tree. The leaves floated to a stop as did everything else around you. You finally breathed smiling up at the chef-d'oeuvre. Droplets that the petals cried float in perfect bubbles like glitter around the hovering leaflets.  Minutes later you willed the time to tick back in its repetitive manner, "they'll survive" Warren said as he looked back at you. 

Warren and you walked around the grounds trading stories of the most embarrassing thing to happen to you when suddenly  Warren stopped so fast in his track you collided with the feathers of his wings. "sorry Ren" you breathed as you straightened up and faced the 16-year-old. He scratched the back of his head smiling lopsidedly at you. You shifted weight onto your other leg and buried your hands in your hoodie pocket sharing a laugh with Warren.

" Cathi, you like Indiana Jones right? " You nodded and Warren continued, "well Temple of Doom is on Saturday you should come to see it with me" 

You looked up brightly, "I'd love to. I haven't hung out with you guys in a hot minute" Your heart was racing so fast at the prospect of spending a day with Warren it even dared think perhaps all his friends could cancel so that it was just you and him. Stop it, Cathi, you are 15 gosh dammit, not a heart eye 12-year-old. You looked over Warrens' shoulder as your friends chased after Legolas the fourlegged Spaniel who had something you could not decipher in his mouth. 


You giggled masking your confusion, "yeah you know .. Scott, Ororo and Peter." 

Warrens expression blanched and he looked sad?  You brushed it aside as his gorgeous smile lit up his cherubic face you - every time he smiles time stands still. Its an issue but you can't help it!

Then you remembered, "Oh wait actually can it be next Saturday I'm visiting my parents" You clutched Warrens' arm and looked up apologetically. Your eyes found his sea green ones and you looked pleadingly before bursting out in a fit of laughter. 

"...sure thing" Warren replied drawing it out in almost a whisper, smiling softly at you.

"I can't wait!" You beamed and kissed Warren on the cheek. You pulled away and hurried away your face burning but you couldnt help but smile"

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now