Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up with my head on the folder. I couldn't imagine how many crease marks I had on my face from the papers. Quickly checking my watch, I resumed searching. I still had a good half hour until I needed to start getting ready.

I had barely read a page, before I heard a knock on my door. I quickly hid the records, hoping it wasn't Father at the door. "Come in!"

The door opened and my butler walked in, a suit in hand. "Good, you are awake. We need to start getting you ready, Your Highness."

"Already? It's only seven thirty!"

"I had a feeling it would take much longer today, Sir," he said, nodding to the documents. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

I cleared my throat. "I did, thank you. Your tip helped."

He smiled, and walked into my bathroom to start the shower. I sighed and stood up, following him.


I could already hear the crowd. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. When I looked to Mom, she was staring at me, her eyes telling me how sorry she was. This here was one of the hardest parts about being royalty: punishment.

The roar of the crowd rose higher as we walked out. My breath hitched as I saw America, the rest of the Elite, and their families in the front row. Including Marlee's parents. This was Father's work. If he didn't get what he wanted, he would find a way to satisfy that, which is what he did.

I didn't dare look anyone in the eyes, my expression hard. I could feel America's gaze on me, and it took all of my willpower to not turn to her.

The crowd cried of disdain as Carter got dragged out in chains. Marlee followed him, my suit coat still over her shoulders. She squinted into the light, searching the crowd. The guard pulled her forward, nearly making her fall. I grit my teeth to keep from shouting out to the guard to be gentler. But there was nothing I could do. What would come next would be far from gentle.

My coat was ripped off Marlee's shoulders and she is pushed to her knees in front of the wooden block. As they fixed her to the block, my gaze turned to Carter, who was getting roughly strapped to the A-frame by one of the masked men.

"This is a crime punishable by death! But in his mercy, Prince Maxon is going to spare these two traitors their lives. Long live Prince Maxon!"

The crowd chanted my name, and I swallowed. This wasn't mercy, it was torture. I knew it would haunt me for the rest of my life about how I couldn't do more than spare their lives.

"I love you, Marlee!" I heard Carter say. "We're going to be okay. It'll be okay, I promise."

"Marlee Tames and Carter Woodwork, you are both hereby stripped of your castes. You are the lowest of the lows! You are Eights!"

The crowd roared.

"And to inflict upon you the shame and pain you have brought on His Majesty, you will be publicly caned with fifteen strikes. May your scars remind you of your many sins!"

I suddenly felt consious of my own scars, and I stretched my back. I watched as the masked men pulled out long rods out of buckets of water. They swung them in the air, the sticks whistling. The crowd applauded at the men's warm-up.

"Maxon! Maxon, stop this!" I heard America beg.

"You have to sit down, miss," a guard said.

"Maxon, I beg you, please!"

I ignored her, pushing her voice out of my head. The show had started. I braced myself as the rods came down.


Marlee cried out in pain, and I saw Carter flinch. I wasn't sure if was because of his pain or Marlee's.

"Maxon! Maxon!" America yelled. "Stop it! Stop it, please!"

I briefly closed my eyes, swallowing.


Marlee cried out again as her stinging intensified.


"MAXON!" America screamed.


I remained still and silent. Push her voice out, Maxon!


"I'll be over soon!" Carter called out to Marlee.


"Love... you," he stammered out.

Carter still tried comforting Marlee, even through his own pain. This was true love.

I heard shouting from some guards, and I stared in shock as a figure hopped over the railing.


"Marlee! Marlee!" She screamed, running to her. Two guards quickly caught up to her.


Marlee shrieked in agony, and her body slowly became limp.


Carter's body collapsed into unconsciousness.

I could feel every strike given to them. Each slash reminded me who was responsible for all this pain. My eyes quickly flicked towards him, and I could swear he was enjoying this.

I'd might not be able to do anything now, but it was the future that mattered.

I apologize for the long wait for this chapter! School has been pretty busy, and I have lately been getting more inspiration for a different story. I will try my best to keep on updating, but we will see. I think I will just update when I can.

Thank you for all of your support!


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