Chapter Five

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"Father, I would like to propose an idea." I said before breakfest the next day.

He looked up from one of his many files, annoyed that I interupted him. "What is it?"

I took a breath, "I was thinking that we need more festivities, since the Selection is going on."

Father narrowed his eyes a little. "Go on..."

"I read somewhere that a holiday called Halloween, that was celebrated in the United States of America, was celebrated in October. So I was thinking that we could have a party to celebrate it. It will give The Elite a chance to learn how to dance and perform at events." I paused for a second for continuing. "This could also be a good opportunity to meet their families."

Father thought for a minute, before commenting on my idea. "I must admit, you ideas are getting better. But, if we are going to go through with this, I want an elimination at the end of it."

I nodded, "Of course, Sir. That seems quite logical."

He checked his watch, "Good. We should head over to breakfest." Father slid his chair back and we walked to the dining hall.

We walked to ours seats, as all of the girls stood to greet us. Father nodded at them as we all sat down. Plates of rolls and pastries were brought into the room, everyone started picking what food they wanted. I looked around the room, smiling. I guess now would be a good time to tell them.

"Ladies," I said, standing up from my seat. "I have exciting news." Everyone in the room turned to look at me, eager to see what I had to say. "A holiday called Halloween that was celebrated by the Americans, is celebrated in October. I was thinking that we could have a party to celebrate it." The people in the room began to smile and start chatting. "But, there is more!" The chatting died down again. "Since it is part of the competition as well, you will be able to invite your families here." The girls gasped and smiled widely, happy to get a chance to see their families again.

I looked over to America, who had a knowing smile on, which seemed to get bigger once she saw I was looking at her. I was still in shock from what she said yesterday. She wanted me. I let that sink in for a moment, as I turned away from her. "Silvia and my Mother will be giving more details later." I said, sitting back down. Everyone resumed their meal, but the feeling in the room seemed lighter and happier.


"Good Afternoon, Celeste." I said, walking into her room.

She gave me a smile. "Good Afternoon. What brings you here?" she asked sweetly.

"I am checking to see how everyone is doing with their designs," I replied, peeking over her shoulder to see her maids had drawn a bird costume.

"What do you think?" Celeste asked.

I nodded in approval as I continued to study the sketch. When I was with Celeste I felt I needed to keep my guards up, but also at the same time... let it down.

"Would you like to spend some time with me Monday afternoon?" I asked finally.

"I would love to," she answered immediately, putting her hand on my arm.

I smiled, "I will pick you up from your room after lunch."

She nodded.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go check to see how the other girls are doing." I said, kissing her cheek briefly.

"Alright." Celeste gave me another one of her dazzling smiles. She must have mastered that when she was a model. Is. She still is. I thought, as I exited her room.

Slowly I made my way to America's room, my thoughts leaving Celeste. She wants you. I repeated in my head. Still, doubt filled me. What if she was lying? What if she likes her ex still? What if... I shrugged off the thoughts, and strolled through America's open doorway. I heard the flash of a camera as I walked in. "Good morning, ladies," I said. A smile bloomed across America's face when she saw me. It almost made me feel silly for worrying. Almost.

There were a couple more flashes from the photographer, and then she addressed me. "Your Majesty, always an honor. Would you mind posing with the young lady?"

"It would be my pleasure," I said walking toward America as her maids stepped back. With one hand, I picked up some sketches, studying it, as I settled my other on her waist.

A couple more flashes went off, and then the photographer left to take picture of the other ladies. "Your maids are quite talented. These are wonderful concepts." I said, noticing that the sketches were much more detailed and precice than the ones Celeste's maids had done.

"I know. I couldn't be in better hands," she replied.

I fanned the papers out on her desk. "Have you settle on one yet?"

"We're all fond of the bird idea. I think it's meant to be a reference to my necklace," she said touching it.

"I hate to say this, but I think Celeste has picked something avian as well. She seemed awfully determined," I said.

"That's alright," she replied with a shrug. "I'm not crazy about feathers anyway. Wait. You were with Celeste?" Her smile faltered.

I nodded, "Just a quick visit to chat. I'm afriad I can't stay long here, either. Father's not thrilled about all this, but with the Selection still going on, he understood that it would be nice to have more festivities. And he agreed it would be a much better way to meet all the families, all things considered."

"Like what?" America asked.

"He's eager for an elimination, and I'm supposed to do one after I meet everyone's parents. The sooner they come, the better in his eyes." I said.

She was silent, as I continued to look at the designs.

"I suppose I ought to finish my rounds," I said absentmindedly.

"You're leaving already?"

"Not to worry, darling. I'll see you at dinner."

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

"Of course," I answered, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I have to run. We'll talk again soon."

I walked out of the door, thinking. What if she didn't want me? Who would I choose then?

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