Chapter Twelve

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I approched Marlee's cell, and the guards let me in, shutting the door behind me. I took one look at her and gasped. "Good Lord, what have they done to you?" I exclaimed, unbuttoning my suit coat and making my way towards her.

Marlee's wings from her angel costume were ripped off, the dress now dirty.

"Maxon, I am so sorry," she cried.

I slid off my coat and wrapped it around her shaking shoulders. "Did the guards tear your costume? Did they harm you?" I swear if any of them dared to hurt her...

"I never meant to be unfaithful to you. I never wanted to hurt you."

I put my hands on her cheeks. "Marlee, listen to me. Did the guards hit you?"

She shook her head. "One ripped my wings off when he was pushing me in the door, but they haven't done anything else."

I sighed, relived. At least they didn't hurt her. Carter on the other hand... I shook the thoughts off my and focused on Marlee.

"I am so sorry," she whispered again.

I dropped my hands to her shoulders, staring into her eyes. "I am only starting to understand how pointless it is to fight being in love. I certainly don't blame you for it."

"We tried to stop ourselves. I promise we did. But I love him. I'd marry him tomorrow... if we wouldn't be dead by then." Marlee dropped her head, sobbing. I had never seen Marlee, or anyone for that matter, be so broken. America's lessons came back to me as I rubbed her back gently, trying to sooth her.

"You are not going to die."

She looked up at me, as if she didn't hear me correctly. "What?"

"You haven't been sentanced to death," I clarified.

I was instantly embraced by her. "Thank you!" she cried. "Thank you so much! It is more than we deserve!"

"Stop! Stop!" I urged, tugging at her arms. She wouldn't be this grateful after I told her her punishment. She stepped back, almost embarassed.

"You haven't been sentanced by death," I repeated slowly, "but you still have to be punished."

I looked down to the ground, shame filling me once again. I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Marlee, but you've both going to be publicly canned in the morning."

I couldn't meet her eyes, I knew what the canning was like. I had vowed to myself that no one would have to experience that pain if I had a say in it. My beatings were horrible, but I couldn't imagine what the professionals could do.

"I'm sorry," I repeated. "I tried to prevent this. But my father is insitant that the palace needs to save face; and since the footage of you two together has already been circulated, there is nothing I can do to change his mind."

She cleared her throat. "How many times?"

"Fifteen," I answered. "I think the plan is to make it much worse for Carter than you, but either way, it is going to be incredibly painful. I know it sometimes causes people to black out." I knew it certainly did for me. "I'm so, so sorry Marlee."

She stood up straighter. "You come here offering me my life and the life of the man I love, and you apologize? Maxon, I have never been so grateful."

"They are going to make you Eights. Everyone is going to watch it." Even your parents. Even America.

"But Carter and I will be together, right?"

I nodded, still feeling sick.

"Then what else can I ask for? I'll take a caning for that. I'd take his as well if it was possible."

I gave her a sad smile. "Carter literally just pleaded to take yours for you."

She smiled, and tears filled her eyes. "I'm not surprised."

I shook my head. "I keep thinking that I have a grasp on what it means to be in love, and then I see you two, each asking to spare the other, and I wonder if I understand anything at all."

She gripped my coat, pulling it tighter around her, staring at me. "You do. I know you do. Her, on the other hand... she might need time."

I chuckled lightly, a part of me wondering if America told her about her ex. "She's going to miss you. She used to encourage me to pursue you."

"Only a true friend would try to get someone she cared about to become a princess over herself. But I was never meant for you, or for the crown. I found my person." She responded, smiling.

"She said something to me once," I said slowly, "that I will never forget. She said, 'True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.'"

Marlee looked around the cell. "She was right."

We were silent for a moment, before she spoke again. "I'm scared."

I embraced her. "It will be over rather quickly. The build up will be the worst part, but take your mind somewhere else while they are talking. And I will try to get you the best medicines, the ones they save for me, so that you will heal faster. For now, you need to get what sleep you can. I told Carter to rest as well. It will help."

She nodded into my shoulder, crying again, and I pulled her tight.

"What did he say? Is he alright?" she whispered.

"He's been beaten, but he is doing okay for now. He told be to tell you he loved you and to do whatever I asked."

Marlee sighed, comforted by the words. "I'm in your debt forever."

I didn't reply, still feeling guilty. I held her until she relaxed. Once she did, I kissed her forehead and turned to leave.

"Good-bye." she whispered.

I smiled at her and knocked on the cell door. It wouldn't be the last time I would see her. And in order to ensure that, I had work to do. My night wasn't over yet.

Sorry my updates are so inconsistent, but I am going to try to update at least every 2 weeks.

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