Chapter Thirteen

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Today was Kriss's Birthday. I had no idea on what to give her. Was a peice of jewelry too much? I put my head in my hands when Mom and Father walked into my room.

"Maxon!" Father barked, as I straightened up.

"You seen stressed, dear. What's the matter?" Mom asked smoothing my hair.

"I haven't figured out what to give Lady Kriss for her birthday. Does jewlery seem like too much?" I asked them.

"Just give a bracelet and a small purse and be done with it." Father said, making himself comfortable in my armchair.

Mom nodded, "A necklace would seem a bit much, but a bracelet will do nicely. I can send a jeweler up so you can choose one, if you would like."

"Thank you, Mother. That would be very helpful." She gave me a quick kiss on the head and scurried off.

"How much do you like Lady Kriss?" Father asked, the second Mom left.

"She is kind and very calm in front of cameras. I haven't spent that much time with her, though," I stated, sitting down.

"Good. Use this party to get to know her. This can also help see if she can be a good hostess. Because she is a Three, I am sure that won't be much of an issue."

I nodded, but I hated the fact that Father always put castes into the equation when finding a wife. There was no way he would approve of America, no matter how much I lo-liked her.


I stepped into the Great Room with Kriss's gift under my arm, and I felt that I was enchanted by a spell. America was playing the violin, and I was speechless. As she finished the song, America opened her eyes and saw me. I felt myself grin.

"Your Majesty" she said with a curtsey. The girls all turned around, and in slow motion, I saw Celeste accidently spill her punch all over Kriss's cream dress. Lady Celeste started to apologize, but Kriss covered her mouth and began to cry. She ran from the room, and I chased after her.

"Kriss! Kriss!" I shouted down the hall chasing after her. Kriss turned around slowly, her face streaming with tears.

I caught up to her and held both of her hands. "I'm so embarrassed." Kriss said, she tears slowing down a bit.

"I would hug you, but..." I said, and Kriss smiled weakly.

"Happy Birthday," I whispered to her handing over her gift. We walked toward her room.

Kriss unwrapped the gift and smiled at the silver bracelet. "Thank you, Maxon," she squeezed my hand.

"Shall I put it on?" I asked. She nodded and held her wrist in front of me. I opened the clasp and put it around her wrist. Kriss smiled at me and we proceeded to walk.


"I'm telling you, Maxon, it wasn't an accident," America argued before the Report.

"But she looked mortified, and she was so apologetic. How could it not have been a accident?" I countered.

She sighed, "I'm telling you. I see Celeste every day, and that was her sneaky way of ruining Kriss's moment in the spotlight. She's so competitive."

"Well, if she was trying to take my attention from Kriss, she failed. I spent nearly an hour with the girl. Rather pleasant time I had, too."

I soon realized that I could have hurt America with that sentance, but before I could think about apologizing, she asked me another question. "Then what about Anna?"


"Anna Farmer? She hit Celeste, and you kicked her out, remember? I know Anna had to have been provoked."

"Did you hear Celeste say something?" I asked, skeptical.

" But I knew Anna, and I know Celeste. I'm telling you, Anna was not the type of person to head straight to violence. Celeste must have said something heartless to her for her to have reacted that way." America said.

"America, I'm aware that you spend more time with the girls than I do, but how well can you really know them? You like to hide in your room or the libraries. I daresay you're more familliar with your maids' personalities than any of the Selected." I looked at her.

"That's not fair. I was right about Marlee, wasn't I? Don't you think she's nice?"

I made a face, "Yes... she is nice I suppose." And distant.

"Then why won't you believe me when I say that what Celeste did was a calculated move?"

"America, it's not that I think you're lying. I'm sure, to you, it seemed that way. But Celeste was sorry. And she's been nothing but gracious with me."

"I bet she has," She mumbled.

I sighed, "That's enough. I don't want to talk about the others right now."

"She tried to take my dress," she complained.

"I said I don't want to talk about her" I replyed fiercely.

America huffed and lifted and dropped her arms, frusturated.

"If you're going to act this way, I'm going to find someone who does want my company." I walked off, my anger rising.

"Hey!" She called.

"No!" I spun around. "You forget yourself, Lady America," I shouted. "It would do you well to remember that I am the crown prince of Illea. For all intents and purposes, I am lord and master of this country, and I'll be damned if you think you can treat me like this in my own home. You don't have to agree with my decisions, but you will abide by them!"

I stormed off and slammed the door to the gardens shut. If the guards were surprised, they didn't show it. I headed toward my room, furious at America and myself.

Please keep up the comments! I enjoy reading them, and hearing your thoughts! A new chapter will come out soon!


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