Chapter Eight

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Wow! Chapter Eight already! Thank you for the reviews on both here and! (my account is theselectionseriesfan) I am sorry I havn't posted a lot, but I am busy with school and life. It may be a bit until new chapters come out on both The Prince and The Confession, but keep an eye out! If you havn't finished the first three books of the series, warning there will be some tiny spoliers in Maxon's thoughts. Enjoy!


"I'm sorry. On the plus side, you'll have more of a say in the future" America said rubbing my back in encouragement.

"I know. I tell myself that. But it's so frustrating when we could change things now if they only listen," I said staring at the carpet.

"Well don't be too discouraged. Your mom is on the right path but education alone won't fix anything," America said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

I raised my head, "What do you mean?" I asked accusingly.

"Well, compared to the fancy-pants tutors someone like you has, the education system for Sixes and Sevens is terrible. I think getting better teachers or better facilities would do them a world of good. But then what about the Eights? Isn't that caste responsible for most of the crimes? They don't get any education. I think if they had something, anything at all, it might encourage them," America said.

"Besides..." she paused for a second. "Have you ever been hungry, Maxon? Not just ready for dinner, but starving? If there was abosoultly no food here, nothing for your mother or father, and you knew if you took something from people who had more in a day than you'd have in your whole life, you could eat... what would you do? If they were counting on you, what wouldn't you do for someone you loved?"

I paused, I didn't want to talk about this with her. "America, I'm not saying that some people don't have it hard, but stealing is-"

"Close your eyes, Maxon," she interrupted.

"What?" I asked, sure I heard wrong.

"Close your eyes" she repeated.

I frowned, but obeyed.

"Somewhere in this place, there is a woman that will be your wife."

I felt myself give a hopeful smile.

"Maybe you don't know which face it is yet, but think of the girls in that room. Imagine the one who loves you the most. Imagine your 'dear'" America said.

My finger grazed hers, but she pulled away. "Sorry," I mumbled, opening my eyes to look at her.

"Keep 'em closed!"

I chuckled, and closed my eyes again.

"This girl? Imagine that she depends on you. She needs you to cherish her and make her feel like the Selection didn't even happen. Like if you were dropped on your own out in the middle of the country to wander have found. She was always the one you would have picked."

My smile started to sag, she wasn't talking about herself. "She needs you to provide for her and protect her. And if it came to a point where there was abosoultly nothing to eat, and you couldn't even fall asleep at night because the sound of her stomach growling kept you awake-"

I couldnt take it anymore, "Stop it!" I said standing and waking across the hall facing away from America.

It was silent for a moment as I tried to collect my thoughts. "Sorry," America whispered.

I nodded my head, but still looked at the wall. Had Father really been shielding me from this for all this time? I turned around, and I searched her eyes, questioning. "Is it really like that?" I asked.


"Out there...does that really happen? Are people hungry like that a lot?"

"Maxon, I-"

"Tell me the truth." I said firmly. Unlike my Father.

"Yes. That happens. I know of families where people give up their share of food for their children or siblings. I know of a boy who was whipped in the town square for stealing food. Sometimes you do crazy things if you are desperate," she said sadly.

"A boy? How old?" I asked.

"Nine." she whispered, shivering.

I stretched my back. I felt his pain, me and that boy were both whipped for stupid reasons around the same age.

"Have you"- I cleared my throat- "have you ever been like that? Starving?" I asked, afraid of the answer, but I really wanted to know.

She ducked her head, which was a giveaway. "How bad?" I asked.

"Maxon, it will only upset you more." she said.

"Probably," I said with a grave nod. "But I am only starting to realize how much I don't know about my own country. Please."

She sighed. "We've been pretty bad. Most times if it gets to where we have to choose, we keep the food and lose electricity. The worst was when it happened near Christmas one year. It was very cold, so we were wearing tons of clothes and watching our breaths inside the house. May didn't understand why we couldn't exchange gifts. As a general rule, there are never any leftovers at my house. Someone always wants more."

I grew pale at the thought.

"I know the checks we've gotten over the last few weeks have really helped, and my family is very smart about money. I'm sure they've already tucked it away so it'll stretch out for a long time. You've done so much for us, Maxon," she said giving me a weak smile.

"Good God. When you said you were only here for the food, you weren't kidding, were you?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Really, Maxon, we've been doing pretty well lately. I-"

I walked over and gave her kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you at dinner." I walked away, straightening my tie. It was time I made a change.

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