Chapter Two

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"Maxon!" Father barked.

I snapped out of my daydream and turned to look at him, "Yes, Father?"

He pushed aside a document and stared at me, "Get your head out of the clouds! You have been staring at that budget report for 20 minutes straight, and you have not written anything down! If I were doing it, I would already be done by now. You need to learn to remain focused, Maxon." He gave me a stern stare.

"Sorry, Sir, I was just thinking about the Elite." More like America, I added in my head.

"At least you are thinking about that..." He mumbled, his gaze returning to his paper. I sighed and returned to looking at the boring report.

After a bit, Father spoke up again. "You still haven't written anything! Why don't you just go on a date with your girls, since they consume your thoughts so much. But be back for the meeting in half and hour."

I slid my chair back, not needing anymore instruction. "Thank you, Sir. I will be back soon." It took all my energy to not run out of that room.


I approched America's room, and noticed that the door was wide open. Creeping up to it, I stood in the doorway and watched. America's maids were sewing in one corner, by the open balcony doors. My gaze stilled on America who looked like she was having difficultly processing the paper in front of her. Brow furrowed, she read the document over and over again. It was really quite amusing.

A maid then looked up and saw me. I put my finger to my lips, and she giggled quietly. Althought she covered her mouth, America looked up at the sound and saw me.

"You gave me away!" I complained playfully, as the maid continued to giggle.

Quickly pushing her chair back, America ran into my arms. "You read my mind!"

"Did I?" I smiled.

"Please tell me that we can go outside. Just for a little while?" she pleaded.

My smile grew wider, "I have twenty minutes before I have to be back."

America pulled me down the hall, leading us towards the gardens. My fingers brushed the tips of her fingers as we walked. "What are these?" I asked.

"Calluses. They're from pressing down on violin string four hours a day." America explained.

"I've never noticed them before" I commented.

"Do they bother you?" She sounded a little nervous.

I stopped moving and lifted her fingers to my lips, kissing them. "On the contrary. I find them rather beautiful." I said honestly, as she blushed. "I've seen the world- admittingly mostly through bulletproof glass or from a tower of some ancient castle- but I've seen it. And I have access to the answers of a thousand questions at my disposal. But this small hand here?" I stared deeply into her blue eyes. "This hand makes sounds incomparable to anything I've ever heard. Sometimes I think I only dreamed that I heard you play the violin, it was so beautiful. These caluses are proof that it was real."

"Do you really have the answers to a thousand questions?"

"Absolutely. Ask me anything; and if I don't know the answer, I now where we can find it." I said.



America thought for a minute, no doubt trying to think of a question that would stump me. "What's Halloween?" she asked finally.

"Halloween?" I had never heard of that before.

"Not so certain now, Your Royal Smartness?" she teased.

I shot her an annoyed glance, making it clear that I was only playing at it. I checked my watch. 10 minutes. We would have to be quick.

I grabed America's hand. "Come with me. We have to hurry."

I had a huge grin on my face as I led her back into the palace. "Gentlemen," I said as we raced past the guards by the door. I didn't catch their exprssion, but it was probably of amusement.

We had made it halfway before America stopped me. "Maxon, stop! I can't keep up!" she gasped.

"Come on, come on, you are going to love this," I complained, tugging her arm. I eased to her pace, but I really wanted to move faster. We traveled toward the north corridor, but ducked into a stairwell before we were by the area of where the Reports were filmed.

"Where are we going exactly?" America asked.

I turned to face her, serious. "You have to swear to never reveal this little chamber. Only a few members of the family and a handful of guards even know it exists."

If America didn't keep this secret, there would be hell to pay with my Father. And if the rebels found out about this, they would go nuts, wanting the contents.

"Absolutely," she agreed.

We reached the top of the stairs, and I held the door open to her. After taking her hand again, I pulled her down the hallway stopping infront of a large beautiful painting. I looked behind us to make sure no one was there, and reached behind the frame and pressed a button.


The painting swung towards us, revealing a door. America gasped, and I grinned. I punched in a few numbers in the keypad and turned the handle. "Let me help you. It's quite a high step." I gave her my hand and helped her up. America stepped into the room, and her eyes widened.

In case you did not see my message, I have a big dance recital coming up that requires a lot of practice. My updates will be slowed down a lot within the next 3 weeks. Sorry to have you guys wait so long!


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