Chapter Two Part Two

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Opps! I just realized I forgot to wite about Marlee and Maxon's date! This would take place before Maxon goes to America's room in Chapter Two. Sorry!


I was walking down the hall toward Lady Marlee's room for our date. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on Marlee's door and waited for it to open. The door swung open showing Lady Marlee's maid.

"Hello, miss," I said nodding my head.

'Your highness" she said going into a curtsey.

"Hello, Prince Maxon!" Marlee said, jumping up from her chair.

I smiled, "Hello Lady Marlee, shall we go?"

She nodded and I held out my arm for her, as she gladly took it.

We walked through the hallways, toward the main part of the palace.

"How are you Prince Maxon?" Marlee asked me.

"I am good, but please, call me Maxon."

"Of course, Maxon" she said smiling a little.

"Are you settling in nicely?"

"Yes, everything is so beautiful here."

"I'm glad. I'm sorry I got here a little late, I had another date earlier."

"It's fine" she replied.

"So I hear from Lady America that you like movies, what type do you like?"

"I enjoy watching comedies and, well, romance" she said blushing.

I smiled, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, I like those types of movies as well."

She smiled back at me, her blush fading.

"Would you like to watch a movie right now?" I asked.

"I would love that."

I led Marlee to the Palace's basement, where our movie theater was. Marlee's eyes widened when she saw how large it was and all the reclining chairs. I went to the popper and meaured some oil, but I wasn't sure of the amount, so I just "winged it". It turned out that I put in too much, and the first batch burned.

"Crap" I muttered under my breath. I quickly pressed the button that summoned a maid or butler to help clean up the mess I made. When it was clean, I tried again, and thankfully it didn't burn. We walked toward two seats and took a seat. I pressed play on the remote and the movie I let Marlee choose, started to play.

Towards the end of the movie, when we got to the romantic part, I held her hand, and I felt her pulse quicken. The movie went to the credits and I turned on the lights.

"That was a good movie, good choice" I said smiling.

"Thanks, I haven't watched this one yet, surprisingly, and trust me, I have watched a lot!"

I laughed that horrible laugh of mine and she giggled.

"I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to go to a meeting soon. Shall we head back to your room?" I asked.

She nodded and took my arm I held out for her. When we were I at her door I turned toward her. "I enjoyed seeing you, Lady Marlee"

"Thank you, I enjoyed it as well" I raised her hand to my lips and she walked into her room smiling.

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