Ch. 32 How I Feel About You

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“Um...?” Allie uttered after a few moments of silence, caught completely off guard. She glanced at her friends nervously, who were also staring at the screen with disbelief.

Allie hesitantly clicked open Twitter; she had gained 10,000 new followers.

“What is going on?” She muttered.

“Damn, girl, over 35,000 followers on Twitter?” Kim asked incredulously. “Look at you go!”

Allie laughed slightly. “Well, I don’t know why I suddenly got over 10,000 followers, and a bajillion friend requests. I’ve gotten new followers and friend requests as the tour has been progressing, but never this many at a time. Geez!” She shook her head in bewilderment. 

“Still! That’s crazy that all of these people found you!” Kim exclaimed.

“Well...I mean...People only know who I am because of Justin and Jasmine. And that’s the only reason they care. I’m not an interesting person at all, I doubt these people would be following me if I weren’t a backup dancer for Jas on Justin’s tour.” Allie shrugged modestly. “I mean, I don’t mind them following me one bit, they’re all really nice and really cool people!”

Kim nodded in understanding.

“Yeah, get prepared, little one, you’re bound to be flooded with friend requests and new followers soon, too.” Kristen stated. “Once people find out you have a connection to Justin, and that you’re on his tour, they’ll go berserk and start following you and friending you and stuff. Justin’s fans like to be tight with his friends and tour-mates.”

Kim shrugged. “Well, that’s cool with me!”

The other four laughed. 

“I wish I could still have my own personal Facebook page.” Jasmine said sadly. “I want to be able to connect with you guys on there. I can talk to you all on Twitter and stuff, but Twitter is way out in the open for everyone to see, and you can’t leave obnoxiously long messages on it.”

“Why don’t you have your own personal Facebook still?” Kim questioned.

“Because I got to 5,000 friends (which is the friend limit on Facebook) ridiculously fast, and eventually the page was so frequented by fans, my team forced me to delete it. It just sucks! Facebook shouldn’t have a friend limit, I’d be happy to accept all of my fans as friends on there!” Jasmine let her shoulders slump in disappointment.

The others nodded in sympathy.

“I feel you, Jas.” Allie replied. “It sucks that you can’t have a Facebook.”

She stared at her computer for a moment, scrolling through some of the friend requests. “But what I honestly just don’t understand is how there was such a sudden massive increase in friend requests and followers.” She stated, shaking her head slightly. “It doesn’t make sense.”

Trust Me (Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang