5.5 - Hobbs

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I wake up the next morning ready for the day. Today I would be getting burgers and then movies later with Hobbs and Sam. We were planning on watching some marvel movie she was really interested in. Something about a panther and stuff. You know -- the young stuff kids are into these days.

I take a hot refreshing shower before rubbing my body with lotion. I go to my walk-in closet as I look for the appropriate outfit. I would need something cute yet it was breezy outside and the movie theater would be cold later.

I decided on a white cotton sweater halfway tucked in my loose ripped jeans that were folded at the bottom paired with my light brown booties.

I curled my hair before putting on my light brown beanie and heading downstairs. I quickly ate some cereal before heading to Hobbs place. Usually the guy would pick the girl up but since it's my treat, I decided that I would be the chauffeur today.

I pulled up to Hobbs address which was a fancy, small, two story house. I sent Hobbs a quick text before relaxing into the chair.

I'm outside 🍔🍔🍔

G.I. Joe🥵: Be right out, Sam wanted to curl her hair 🤔

I laugh to myself before setting my phone down in the cup holder.

After about two minutes, I watched as Hobbs exit his house with Sam. She ran to my door side.

"Hi Ms. I'm Toretto." She smiled showing her pearly white teeth.

"Hi Sam, and please call me Y/N. Miss makes me feel old." I tell her as she hopped into my Jeep.

"Yes Ms. Y/N."

I look over to Hobbs with a big smile on my face only to see him grinning back at me. I silently laugh before pulling off towards my favorite restaurant - best burgers guaranteed.

I smoothly swerved into the parking lot and we unloaded before heading into the diner. We took a booth most far from people before looking down to order.

"Hi, can I start y'all something off with something to drink?" A decent looking lady in her mid-twenties asked in a foreign yet understandable accent.

"Can I have Mountain Dew please?" I asked before closing my menu, I already knew what I wanted.

"Sure thing. And you Mr.?" She asked Hobbs in a seductive voice making me roll my eyes.

For all she knew, we could be together and Sam could be our child yet she over here flirting with Hobbs. At least have the decency to get our orders down first before you go try to take someone's man - well Hobbs isn't my man but you know what I'm saying.

"Uh, I'll have coke please and a strawberry milkshake for my daughter." He responded yet he didn't take his eyes off me.

The waiter looked between us two but all I could focus on was how attracted I was to him. Not even sparing any attention to her jealousy.

"Okay. I'll be back in a few." She rolled her  eyes at me before walking away, swaying her hips top hard if I do say so myself.

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