2 - Deckard

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You rolled across the king sized bed in search for Deckard only to find cold emptiness again. You sigh with an eye roll before getting up. The clock showed '7:53 am'. You had to get ready for work. You worked in an auto repair shop. After all, your older brother was Dominic Toretto so how could you not know how to fix and repair vehicles. You freshen yourself up as you put on your work clothes that consisted of; jean overalls and a crop white tee and comfortable shoes. You wrap up your hair as you walk into the kitchen and find a sticky note stuck on the refrigerator.

Be back later, love you. -D

The pink sticky note was decorated in Deckard's fancy handwriting you admired so much. But that didn't distract the fact that this was the third month you've went to sleep with Deckard and woken up without him. It was tiring and lonely. It was work then dinner with Deckard and the cycle began every morning. You miss your husband and you were wondering if he missed you too. No to mention it was Friday, and without thinking you made plans for you and Deckard and now you would have to cancel and that broke your heart. You drove to the shop and opened up before preparing for your first appointment.

"Owen?" You look up from the paper in shock as you watched your brother-in-law walked into the store.

"The one and only," he smiles before coming to hug you.

"Oh my gosh, hey. How have you been?" You ask as the two of you sit down at a nearby table.

"I'm good, been taking of mum in London. You and Deckard should visit whenever."

You sigh with a sad smile, "I would love to, but Deckard's schedule is really tight." You explained, subconsciously playing with fingers.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a small raised eyebrow raise as he clasps his hand together.

You then began to get in details about the past few months of Deckard's schedule. You told him everything. You two had become closer ever since he helped you and the gang get Dom back and when Deckard proposed. He was practically your best friend. You told him how everyday with Deckard is was a sticky note in the kitchen, then you wouldn't see him till late that night for dinner or some times not till the next day. You express your concern and even describe the lonely nights you had with no one to confide in.  You even told him about the few nightmares you had about Deckard not coming back or fear of him coming up missing. You could feel the tears puddle in your eyelids as you recall the terrible nightmares.

"I'm sorry, I just miss him," You say as you quickly wipe away your tears. You could see Owen's face sadden but you brush it off.

"I understand, but why haven't you told him anything? About the nightmares?" He ask, concern lacing his voice.

"I-I don't know, I don't want him to worry, I just miss him." You say as you look down at your hands with a disappointed face.

"Let me tell you what," he says catching your attention, "lets go out tonight, whatever you wanna do. My treat."

Suddenly energy shoots through your body, and you yell, "BOWLING," with excitement. Bowling was your favorite 'sport', before you had less and less time for it, that is.

Owen shakes his head at your enthusiasm.

"Call me tomorrow okay?" Owen says before handing you a giant stuffed, multicolored unicorn through his window to yours. After work, then bowling, Owen took you to the arcade nearby and was determined to get you the biggest stuffed animal there. You two spent a little over two hours playing every game to get enough to tickets. You couldn't remember the last time you had fun like that in the last few months. Probably when Deckard brought home takeout and cuddled you to sleep.

"Will do." You say before driving home. You reach home not long after not and notice Deckard's Bentley. You check your watch and realized it long past 12, the time Deckard usually arrives home.

You open the door to the house before entering. You walk towards the kitchen to find Deckard waiting with his face engulfed in his head. Your keys hitting against the marble counter, catches his attention. He looks up with a worried expression and bloodshot eyes. You wanted to run to him and just cuddle him all night but instead you put on a stern look before setting your unicorn on the table. You both stare at each other for too long before Deckard breaks the silence.

Deckard coughs, "I brought takeout," his voice scratchy like he's been crying but for what? He's not the one who has nightmare.

"I already ate," you replied before opening the fridge for milk. You were gonna make Deckard his favorite tea, it always calmed him when he was uneasy or stressed. You hated how much you tried to ignore him, you couldn't.

"Y/N talk to me please," Deckard pleaded as he stood up walking towards.

You set the sugar down, just staring at the fancy counter, "No Deckard you talk to me, you're always the one leaving, so talk to me," You spat with fury in your tone.

Deckard looks guilty before, "I know and I'm sorry. I'm done though. I want to be here when you wake up and when you go to sleep," You didn't want to believe him but the sincerity in his British accent just got to you.

You continue to pick your nails and stare off into distance. Deckard sighs before walking towards you and bringing you into  his chest. You finally break down, wrapping your arms around him and crying into his chest.

He reaches down to kiss your lips and you two share a passionate kiss. He pulls away and trails kisses down your exposed neck and back to your forehead, caressing your face.  You trace your fingers up his arms and the two of you shuffle back into the counter. You lean against him, his scent comforting you.

You rest your head on his chest, as he keeps his head on your head. Deckard then starts, "So are you gonna finish making the tea? You already took out the stuff," he ask making both of you burst into fits of laughter. You raise your head to look and admire him, just replaying all the events in your life that led up to this moment.

"Alright mister, grab your mug," You chuckle as Deckard beams at you. You couldn't be happier with the man you married.

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