5 - Hobbs

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This takes place after The Fate of the Furious 8 but Y/N isn't aware of Dom and his past, all you know is that Elena died of a bad incident and that Mia has a husband named Brian and Jack of course, and Dom has girlfriend named Letty and a baby named Brian.


I wake up to my annoying alarm blaring throughout my two bedroom condo at 5 in the morning.

I get up and do my normal hygiene routine before taking out my work clothes which consist of black muscle tee, black skinny jeans and black leather jacket paired with my black ankle boots.

I brush my hair into a tight ponytail before munching on a granola bar while I finished my work from last night. I grab my gloves before heading outside and heading to my garage. I hop on my motorcycle before heading to work —— the DSS office — ya know because I'm an agent for the Diplomatic Security Service.

I worked with Elena Neves but after her funeral a few months ago due to — I'd rather not say, today would be my first day working with Luke Hobbs. He's like the hot shot in his department but in my opinion, he's mediocre compared to what Elena and I have taken down in the past years.

Today, we're suppose to start training together and in a few weeks get back on the field but it was still weird because I've become accustomed to working with Elena.

On the way I got a call from my older sister Mia. I was the youngest of three in our family. I clicked on my ear piece before making a sharp turn.

Mia, what's up?

Hey sis, I was wondering if you could stop by tonight, Dom's having this family reunion dinner type thing and I'd love it if you were there.

Family reunion? Who are we reconnecting with?

Idk Mia, I have lots of paperwork.

Please Y/N, we miss you and so does Brian and Jack.

I sighed. My weakness was and will always be Brian and Jack. They were my only nephews and it's been months since I've seen them.

Alright, only for a little while tho.

Thanks sis, you're the best!

Yeah yeah..

See you later.

By the end of the conversation, I reached the parking lot for employees before heading heading inside.

It was the usual buzz around the office even for a Friday. Everyone on their toes, coffee almost everywhere and of course — paperwork on every desk as the eye could see.

I walked upstairs to my desk organizing my paperwork before logging into my computer and looking through more files.

An hour in, I was called down by my supervisor to meet with Hobbs.

I walked down the stairs to the training room where two men stood, my supervisor, Mr. Nobody and the infamous Hobbs himself.

I shook hands with Mr. Nobody before sending a nod towards Hobbs.

"Thank you for joining us, Ms. Toretto. This is Luke Hobbs, you're new partner that I've hand selected for you. I feel you two can balance each other out. With your intelligence and his strength, I expect to see good things." He spoke clearly before giving a big smile.

"We won't disappoint Mr. Nobody." I responded sternly.

He nodded and left with his huge smile still plastered on his face.

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