4 - Deckard

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I close the door to my two story house that I share with my husband, Deckard Shaw.

We had our wedding a few months ago and we both finally got a day off to go out and eat dinner.

I currently just got home from work, and was about to get ready for our date. I knew Deckard was still at work but knowing him he'll shower and change at his office before picking me up.

I took a long shower, enjoying the hot water against my smooth skin. I shaved and everything.

I got out wrapping my hair up before walking into the unnecessarily huge closet that Deckard and I share.

I looked before laying my outfit down on the bed and applying lotion and beauty products to my body. Along with applying some light makeup and flat ironing my hair.

I smooth down the long black skirt before putting on silver sparkly heels.

I did some computer work as I waited for Deckard. I was almost through a paragraph when my phoned buzzed as a light flashed repeatedly.

Deck🥰: my driver is outside

driver? fancy shmancy ☺️

Deck🥰: only for you love 💕

I grabbed my silver hand purse before turning the lights off and heading out to our obnoxiously long driveway.

I was met with a long white limousine with a middle aged man probably around 50 dressed in all black holding the door open for me.

"Thank you...Alfred," I read his name tag a I slid gracefully into the limousine.

"No problem, Mrs. Shaw," He tilted his hat before closing the door softly and walking around to the drive side.

I checked through my social media and hummed along with the British singer on the radio as we rode to the mysterious place.

Half an hour later, Alfred opened my door before offering me his hand and helping me out. I thankfully took it as he led me to a restaurant I wasn't familiar with. He opened the door and I almost gasped as I saw Deckard dressed in an all white suit with a black bow tie. He looked so handsome. This was the man I married. My husband.

He smiled before offering his arm out to me.

" 'Ello love. You look beautiful." He said as we began to walk towards the back of the restaurant that was surprisingly empty.

"You too," I replied before noticing what I said, "Handsome, I meant handsome. Very handsome." I said biting my lips looking him over again.

He smirked as we walked up three flights of stairs before walking down a long hallway. Deckard opened the door to what appeared to be balcony.

My jaw dropped as I held my hands to my heart in awe at the romantic gesture Deckard put together.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing." I exclaimed kicking my shoes off and plopping down on the soft sofa bed.

"I knew you'd like it. You're always pinning them of that Pinner app of yours." He explained making me giggle.

"Pinterest babe. But thank you, I love it. And you." I smiled brightly before putting my arms around him and pecking his lips.

"Love you too. Me and you." I smiled before pulling back to stare at him. He was everything I've ever wanted.

"Forever." I kissed him and not long we began the usual lovey dovey stuff —— kissing, cuddling, and Deckard constantly marking up my neck with love bites.

An hour and half into the date, Deckard clears his throat putting his food down, catching my attention.

"Love, I wanna talk about something with you."

"Sure." I reply putting my plate of steak and fries down.

"I know you weren't a big fan of it when we were dating but now we're married and I want to know your thoughts."

"Thoughts on what Deck?" I asked confused. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"About us having kids. We've been together for over 5 years and I'm ready."

I sigh pushing my hair behind my ear looking down.

"You really want kids?" I asked sadly.

"Yes Y/N, I don't understand why you don't want to." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"It's not that I don't want to Deck."

"Then what? Do you feel like we're rushing?"

"I...," I closed my eyes rubbing my face before opening them and staring at his sad bright blue eyes. "I don't want to share you yet. Having a baby is a lot of responsibility and will be our whole life. I want to enjoy my time with you first." I expressed my feelings.

I didn't want to share with Deckard. He was mine and I wanted to do and accomplish everything with him by my side. I wanted kids, but were only in our mid twenties and I wanted a few more years of Deckard to myself.

Deckard let out a breathe before pulling me into an embrace. "You will always have me. You and the little rugrats we'll make. It's us forever." He said making me laugh. He always knew how to cheer me up.

I look into his eyes before kissing him, straddling his lap. He responds by gripping my waist and sliding his hands towards my lower back. I pull from the intimate kiss before resting in his arms and looking out into the night sky watching the stars dance.

"I love you Y/N, so much. You are my wife, my best friend and hopefully soon the mother of my kids. You are my life." Deckard kissed my neck passionately.

I turned in his lap running my arms up and down his muscular arms. "Let's have a baby." I smiled as I directed his head towards me.

He broke into a big smile before gripping me and swinging me around.

"Eeeeee. Put me down idiot." I laughed aloud.

"Now." He demanded breathing hard.

I looked confused for a second before realizing what he meant. I smirked and he let out a deep chuckle.

I turned locking the balcony door but not  before closing up the curtains attached to the door.
This request comes from @Gigi_Bowe 🥰🥰🥰!
Toodles <3

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