1 - Deckard

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It was late at night around 8 pm, you're at a race with your family, Dom and the gang. Dom is getting ready to race an opponent you knew too well Deckard Shaw. You instantly remember all the times he's flirted with you when you were rivals. Before he helped Dom and the gang rescue baby Brian and take back gods eye.

You watch as he gets in his black sleek BMW and as Dom gets in his signature car. You, dressed in black shorts and a black tube top with a leather jacket, walk towards the middle of the two cars before beginning.

You point at Dom, "Ready big brother?" You wink as Dom replies with a roar from his engine and a smirk.

You then turn to Deckard with a playful smirk and ask, "Ready mate?" in a fake British accent. He replies with a eye roll and replaces his mean look with a sinister one that you couldn't help but find attractive so you subconsciously bite your lower lip.

You snap out of your thoughts before raising the flag and pulling it down rapidly after counting down from three.

You watch as the two race ahead the long road. Few minutes later, on the side you see Dom in the lead but at the last second, somehow Deckard pulls ahead and wins. You weren't shock, if anything you were impressed and a little turned on. You collect the money and walk towards to Deckard with the $850.

(Just random guessing, I don't know how much $$$ they actually put down.)

You reach his car as he gets out. You hand it out to him before saying, "This belongs to you."

He takes it but not without his hands lingering on yours, "Thanks mate." He says and you couldn't help but get turned on by his rich British accent.

"No problem, see'ya 'round Shaw," you reply with a small smirk before slowly walking away, putting a little effort into your walk. You're almost out of ear reach before you hear him call, "Y/N wait."

You walk back towards Shaw waiting for him to continue. "I actually wanna upgrade my engine and was wondering if you'd take a look at it," He ask as he leans against the sleek car with a head tilt as he waits for your reply.

You don't hesitate to say yes, to you, any time with Deckard is a good time.

"Sure but I'd have to go with you right now or Dom might catch a fit." You reply.

If Dom ever found out you had some sort of connection with Shaw, he'd lose his mind and probably ship you somewhere off the grid or where Shaw couldn't find you. Even though Shaw played a big part in getting baby Brian back, it doesn't make up for his brother, Owen Shaw trying to hurt you, Mia and Letty.

Pulled from your subconscious, Deckard replies, "wouldn't have it any other way," with a small smirk before getting in his car. You send Letty a quick text as you hop in the passenger side.

Y/N: Heading to the shop with Deckard, be back later tonight. Don't wait up.
Read 8:49 pm

Letty: Be back by 1. No later or I'm telling Dom. Love you.
Read 8:50 pm

Y/N: Got it mom. Love you too.
Read 8:50 pm
Before you know it, you and Deckard are in the back of the shop, munching of Chinese takeout as you converse about random topics.

"Y'know you're something special...for a Toretto," he states with a genuine smile.

You smile shyly while looking down in your box filled with noodles, "you're pretty special yourself...for a Shaw that is." You reply just as confident, earning a small smile from him.

You suddenly find lots of interest in the small details on his face. His nice complexion, the way his eyes wrinkle when he's laughing or smiling, or his cute nose.

Before you know it, you're straddling his lap, making out with him. You shiver when you feel his hands travel down your lower back towards your waist. His grip tightens as he deepens the kiss and then you two start French kissing.

Ten minutes after, your phone starts lighting up and you see Letty texting you. Deckard loosens his grip allowing you grab your phone.

Mia: Where are you? Dom's worried.
Sent 12:09 pm

Letty: You're really pushing it Y/N.
Sent 12:47 pm

Letty: Dom found out, sorry.
Sent 1:03 am

Mia: Estás en un gran problema, señorita. Espero que haya valido la pena.
Sent 1:22 am

(You're in big trouble missy. Hope he was worth it.)

You suddenly feel your heart drop. Dom found out. You quickly get up from Deckard's lap and grab your jacket, slinging it on.

Deckard becomes alert before he has a concerned expression, "Y/N what happened?"

"Dom found out, I'm sorry but I have to go," You say as you zip up your boots and grab your phone.

"Let me drive you," Deckard offers but your quick to decline.

"No no, that's okay. I have a car in the garage." You reply, you quickly kiss his cheek before looking him in the eye, "text me okay?" Deckard looks in your eyes before kissing you long and hard, gripping your waist.

"Alright." He replies. You give him a small smile before hopping in your red convertible and driving home worried of what awaits you.
Toodles <3

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