"You are not going without me"

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Author note
Because I was late to publish I'm having to bring two pieces out, this being my second. Any who enjoy

After starting to get himself ready hours ago, Elliot walks out of the bedroom dressed and ready in a lovely warm Christmas sweater.

Danny is sat in the kitchen trying to fix a broken radio by repeatedly hitting it, messy bed hair, still in his night wear.

"Danny!" Elliot groaned

"Oh hi Elliot." Danny turned round and smiled innocently

"Why aren't you ready?! We need to be there in 10 minutes!"

"I was about to now, and besides, We could always arrive fashionably late"

"No. Go get ready now" Elliot demanded like an angry father



"what if I stay here?"

Elliot thought for a moment before grinning and replying "okay. And while you stay here I'll go and get drunk and meet lots of handsome, tall, intelligent men. I'm sure I'll have a ball"

Danny quickly made his way to the bedroom to get ready

"Oh. I thought you were staying here?" Elliot asked, a sly grin on his face

"You are not going without me" Danny explained, rushing to be ready

Elliot snickered "okay then. If your not ready in 5 minutes then I'm leaving without you"

Luckily Danny finished just in time and they both made their way over to Malcolm's Christmas party, arm in arm.

Author note
Sorry this ones so short. Hopefully the next one will be longer and on time

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