"Everything has been different since.."

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Authors note:
WHAT THE F*CK IS "THE GAY DECEIVERS" look it's a super old movie (1969) and is about two men (Danny and Elliot) who don't want to be enrolled in the war so pretend to be gay, as you weren't allowed in the army if you were gay. And if you have seen it (well done) then I know that they like "weren't actually gay" or what ever but my sappy lgbt heart wants them to be since they went off to do there own things at the end. I like to imagine that while away from each other they realise they are acc gay and get back together for real this time I'm sorry I just can't not ship them 😂😂🌈👏🏻
If you haven't seen it: https://youtu.be/8TrNwO5FZ8g
(If link doesn't work just copy and paste and put in google 😂)

When Danny broke up with his girlfriend, or moreover when she left him thinking he was sick, he felt heartbroken and lost. Truth is, while he loved her, he didn't love love her. Not like he loved Elliot. He was scared of being alone forever. Hell, he was scared of being alone for five minutes, let alone forever.

They had met in kindergarten and had hit it off straight away. Danny liked to play with what every other boy played with then. Cars and superhero stuff. But Elliot loved to do as he wanted. He always got what he wanted using his charm and he always did as he pleased no matter what others thought of him. And so he played with Barbie dolls, he liked to pretend he was as good looking as ken.

Through out elementary and highschcool all the girls loved Elliot. He truly did grow up to be a lookalike Ken doll. He had muscles, dirty blonde hair, tanned skin, blue eyes. He was every girls dream boy, and Danny's dream boy. Danny on the other hand was a complete nerd. He had, what Elliot called, a baby face. While it was pretty and cute it was mainly like looking at a little brother. Any girl he ever met he either ignored or had one night stands with. He focused mainly on his future in 'nerdy business man stuff' as Elliot would call it. But it's what Danny's father wanted. His father was always close to him and always supported Danny. Clearly not his being gay though. But to no surprise. Being gay was not at all good in the 60s. If you were gay then you were considered sick in the head. A pedophile. A freak.

Danny felt awful when Elliot lost his job as a lifeguard. He knew how much Elliot loved that job. He'd wanted to go marching into his fathers study and demand that he give Elliot his job back. But now that he looked at it, Elliot liked being at home. He'd made a new social life in that small gay neighbourhood. He'd had Malcolm teach him how to cook.

It seemed like Elliot liked it better at home then out at that rowdy, crowded pool.

Luckily Danny still had his job in an office. It was a normal boring job but it paid well and the hours were fair. When going to work he would pretend to be straight, praying that he didn't seem gay. He could lose his job if they knew.

But he always loved to come home and see that Elliot has enjoyed himself. He'd be having beer or wine with some of his friends, or he'd be sat alone watching a comedy and laughing till it hurt.

Today however he came home to find Elliot sat in a ball on the sofa in tears, it was surprising seeing a man of Elliot's build like this. He had a black eye and blood had stained one side of his head. His hair was an unusual mess and he had glass stuck in his cheek, not deeply and not large shards luckily, but clearly bottle glass.

"Elliot?! What happened." Danny rushed to get a wet cloth from the kitchen.


Elliot tried to hide his face in his shirt, hissing in pain when his cheek skimmed the fabric.

"Nothing happened? Are you crazy?! Clearly something happened!" Danny didn't mean to sound angry but he was.

"You're making a big thing out of it, Danny. It doesn't matter who did it"

Danny carefully placed the cloth on his forehead and tried to wash the blood off gently.
Elliot flinched at the pain and Danny quickly apologised, trying to be more gentle.

"Please tell me Elliot..." Danny begged softly

Elliot sighed "it was just some homophobes that saw me walk out the gay bar. I was meeting some of my friends there and they had to leave. So after they left I had one more drink. I finished and walked out like normal. All of a sudden a bunch of guys attacked me"

"Maybe we could make a statement to the police"

Elliot scoffed "Danny, you forget what we are. They'd either arrest us or beat us up"

Danny paused before he was finally satisfied and went to get some ice for Elliot's eye. He came back with the ice in a cloth that he gave to Elliot and a tweezer to try and get the glass out.

"This is going to hurt" he warned.

And it did. He yelped and squirmed a little but they eventually got all the glass out.

"All done" Danny smiled sympathetically as Elliot looked at him.

"Danny is this a good idea..?"

"What?" Danny asked

"Us. It's putting us in danger. I love you so much but... things were better before. Maybe if we pretended to be straight again.."

"I know it isn't easy. But nothing comes easy, Elliot. How do you think Malcolm and Craig survive? I'm sure they must get problems here and there too. We have to stay strong"

Elliot looked away.

"Elliot your..." Elliot looked at Danny again, waiting for him to continue "everything has been different since I fell in love with you. It's been so amazing and romantic and I am truly happy. Your my world Elliot. I love you"

Elliot smiled "that was very gay"

Danny laughed before leaning into him.

"But I love you too" Elliot smiled

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's company in the welcomed comfortable silence.

"HELLO" Malcolm burst in like he owned the place, which being the landlord, he technically did, but still Elliot and Danny sighed pulling away and laughing.

The gay deceivers Where stories live. Discover now