"I didnt think love existed"

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Author note
Idk why all these prompts are either way too angst or are mushy fluff but oh well
Plus I'm feeling festive so:

Danny and Elliot were chilling as they usually would, the occasional alcoholic beverage, and either their radio on in the kitchen or the old TV set playing some black and white film.
However instead of alcohol, they had mugs of hot chocolate and had glitter and tinsel bits covering them. The tree that stood proudly in the corner of the room looked gorgeous with bold gold tinsel and fairy lights rapping around it, bulbuls hung off the branches and yellow beads wrapped round the tree twice. The lights twinkled gently and a star sat on top of the tree Elegantly .

When they had finished it, small decorations around the house too, they sat back on the recliners and sighed. Now their house looked lovely and festive. All they needed now was to buy presents for each other and friends and finally get that fire place working.

They sat listening to the radio, some nice jolly songs and the latest news, while drinking their chocolates happily.

But the peace and quiet was torn apart when Malcolm came bursting through the door, tugging Craig along by his arm.

"Hiya people!" He yelled happily. He seemed to be in a good mood and wore a large pearly grin on his face

Craig looked exhausted, probably from decorating too.

"Oh hi Malcolm. I'm sorry if we look a mess. We've been decorating," Danny explained to Malcolm who nodded.

"The whole neighbourhood has been. So I don't blame you. Anyway I'm just here to announce that tomorrow night I will be hosting a Christmas party! And you two are obviously invited. Wear your ugliest sweater. Well have Christmas foods, festive music, eggnog!"
Malcolm clearly enjoyed christmas the most out of the four of them.

Elliot didn't mind it but half the time couldn't be bothered.
Danny thought it was a waste of time and money
Craig hates guessing what people wanted for presents
But Malcolm loved it. The festivities, the happiness. All of it!

"Sounds fun. We'll be sure to come" Elliot smiled.

Malcolm beamed at them before gasping "I left mince pies in the oven. Shi-" and he ran out, Craig following close by.

Danny laughed.

"Do we have any ugly sweaters?" Danny asked

"I do. You can borrow one of mine" Elliot offered

"Thanks" Danny smiled, continuing to drink his hot cocoa. He looked up at the tree and smiled. He usually would have been celebrating with his family and friends around this time but now they all hated him and all he had was Elliot and Malcolm and Craig and some of Malcolm's friends.

But he wouldn't have made any friends if Elliot hasn't have forced him to. He wouldn't even be around for Christmas, if it wasn't for Elliot.

He smiled and kissed Elliot's cheek making him blush with surprise and look at him with a puzzled smile from the suddenness.

"Thanks for sticking by me Elliot. I didn't think love existed until I started loving you"

"Awe" Elliot cooed "your so cute sometimes"

"Only sometimes? Cheeky" Danny scoffed.

They stayed snuggling on the sofa with the radio playing warm Christmas songs for a few more hours.

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