Chapter 10

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We walked until we found a decent food place and we eventually did.

We ordered our food and once it was finished we walked some more and decided to sit where we were before.

"Thank you for the food you didn't have to" I said.

"I know but it's the least I can do considering you actually talked during the plane ride and plus you let me eat your muffing and then bought some food on the plane".

"I know but still you didn't have to".

He smiled.

We both sat there for awhile and ate and talked.

"Hey honestly you don't have to sit and hang out with me you can go and explore this fun awesome airport or go against the wishes of the airport and go explore and stay in a hotel or something" I said.

"Nah and like I said I want to stay and once again I don't feel like it's right to leave you here all alone on your first solo trip".

"Ok and I appreciate that you don't want to leave me but I'm telling you know but at any given time you are sick of me or get bored you are given to leave anytime".

"Fine fine fine but I'm warning you now you are probably going to be stuck with me until either of our flights are no longer delayed".

"But what if I get bored of you".

"Well then you are also free to leave".

We both laughed at each other and finished eating our food.

After eating our food, Niall pulled out the deck of cards "so what do you see want to play another round of either war or go fish".

"Ohhh that's a tough one but I say we start with go fish then after a couple rounds of that we either play war or look on the internet for other card games and try one of those out".

"Sounds like a plan to me".

He started to pass out the cards and we started playing our lovely game of go fish.

After a couple rounds of go fish we started playing war and that went by fast and then we both looked up cards games on our phones.

"What about this game called snap it seems easy and understandable to play" I said.

"Let me look it up...... it does sound easy let's try it out then".

He started to shuffle the cards and proceeded to pass them out. Once all the cards were given out we started the game.

"Ok let's try this out" I said.

We started the game.

Honestly we had no idea what we were doing but after about 5 minutes we got the hang of it.

After the first game I lost because I forgot you were supposed to say snap but I wasn't quick enough or I realized it way to late.

"You ready for another game?" He asked.

"Yes because I finally realize the point of it I just hope that I'm fast enough".

Well I lost again and I wasn't even surprised.

"I was trying to give you a hint so you can win but you didn't even realize it" he said.

"Oh is that why you were staring at me weird and taking forever and not turning your card over".

He laughed "yes".

"Ohhhhhhh" I started laughing.

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