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He drank greedily as I laid there and knew this was my end. I did not even struggle as I knew that it was pointless.

All I felt was pain as I sobbed into his arms. He was a monster, a horrible one. Who did not care for my suffering as he only wanted my life, my substance.

I felt my life running out of my hands, he seemed to be savoring my taste for he seemed to take too long to drain me.

Then he stopped and looked at me with pity eyes. He seemed to have finally snapped out of whatever trace he was in and let me fall on the ground as i started feeling numb.

Also I could feel something being released like it was a block being let gone or something. But I did not let that bother me.

Out of nowhere I started feeling an excruciating pain in my neck where he bit me and i could not stop it.

I was so confused, I mean here I thought i was going to go to heaven since I was just suffered through all this pain. But no, the universe decided to make me feel more pain.

“I can hear he thoughts now, I hear her pain…” Edward murmured

“Well congratulation, Edward, you just killed a life just so you could hear her thoughts!” Said an angry Rosaline.

I don’t even know why I was so worried about what was going on in my surroundings since I was in pain here, the only one in pain.

“Let’s get her to Carlisle he will tend to her”

“He will be so disappointed in me”

And then I felt someone lifting me off as I felt more pain than i already experienced. Now the screaming began and nobody could judge me.  

I could not stand the pain, I wished I could faint or something to put me to sleep, because this pain was excruciating and I wished to not be part of it anymore.

I wished to be away from here, far away and never to have set foot on Forks, to have been smart and let this confrontation go and not be here where I was today.

I wished many things but that would not stop the pain. And now all I could think was the pain. The pain that would not even let me breathe.

All I could feel is the ripping, the breaking, and the agony. I had separated each pain into categories. Since I was confused and could not understand what was going on.

I felt like my body was being burned alive, like it was being tortured by witch hunters or something.

I could take any medieval torture to this.

To this infernal burning. I felt like i was paying for sins that I did not commit. Like I was in hell.

I could hear my own screams which were getting higher by the minute.

Hot and hotter did I feel this lava in my body, the burning had been distributed to all parts of my body now.

It was breaking the bones and arteries of my body,it was ripping away any hope of it ever being less painful.

It passed like that for hours, many minutes and many seconds. I don't know how i was counting, but it only seemed natural. It had been seventeen hours and thirty minutes and fifty nine seconds.

I had been in pain, going through this burning for that long. I did not know how much longer but i was looking forward to the time when I stopped paying for all this sins i must have committed.

It became clear after more than twenty four hours that my mind seemed to be growing, i seemed to have space to feel the excruciating pain and to worry about when this would end.

I also worried about my dad. I mean what would become of him, he was a teacher at Washington State University and would not be home until this weekend.

He would be devastated. My mom died when i was born and now i was gone.

I died.

No, i was murdered, by Edward, that vicious monster.

Now how would my dad be able to feed himself and have someone to help him out in the house without me there. We moved here from Arizona a week ago because he wanted a more calm living for me.

Since he was gone for a College Professors seminar, he could not hear about my death until he came back at the end of the week.

My poor father. All he did was be a good Catholic and a good father. I never wanted for nothing since he always provided for me.

And now his baby girl died and left him.









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