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Edward Cullen seemed to have been swallowed into the earth or something, because i did not see him again. And so went on my day, me trying to find if i had any other classes with him and he not being in any of them. I did have most my classes with some of the Cullens, Alice in particular was in almost most of my classes except in first or fourth period.


She never approached me or anything, but i could feel her stares on me the whole time i was taking notes in both Spanish and History class. It was incredibly creepy thats for sure.


I walked into the lunch room and saw the person i been looking for all day. Edward Cullen, the man i needed to confront like right now.


I thanked the lunch lady and payed for my food, sat down and thought about what i was going to say to the meeny.

Completely forgetting my food i marched to where the Cullens were sitting at it seemed to be their “Table”. It was pretty isolated from any other cliché or high schooler here. Which worked by me because i did not want the whole Forks High School student body to here about my business.


As i got closer to their table, i started second guessing my rash decisions. I mean it was just a glare, its not like he hit me or anything bad. He just does not like me. But he did hate me for no reason, yeah, thats why i'm confronting him…..


Pixie/ Alice got up and said something to them because all their eyes were on me, now i was really about to turn around and just call this whole thing a misunderstanding i could afford to let go. But my body was not responding to my brain and decided to just keep stomping to their table.


Pixie, got up and swirled to the trashcan with plates filled with food, who just looked that it had been played on. Then she went back to the Cullens Table and whispered something in Jaspers ear.


Edward looked my way and glared at me, he seemed quite annoyed that i was here and also looked in lots of pain. I felt bad, what if something terrible happened to him and he was just lashing out on me. And now here i am rubbing it in his face that he is was a total jerk.


But i did not give him the right to be rude and mean. So he would have to apologize if he wanted me out of his way. I wished i could have just left it all alone, because now i regret everything…..

“Edward, i need to talk to you” He looked at me like i was insane, like this whole confrontation was a joke.


Jasper looked my way with the same hatred that Edward gave me. Whats going on with this Cullen’s? Are they all mean and rude to people?


Emmett seemed to be holding Edward back, for some reason. “Do you really need him to hold you back, i mean are you really going to hit me or something?”


“Just leave, Ms. Swan” Said Jasper. “Why? What is his problem? Thats mainly what i came to confront you about….”


“My problem is YOU!” Edward said as he dragged me off the side door, i started to freak out and looked around. No one watched me being dragged out by him, no one even looked their way.


I was done, he and his family may be killers that could hurt me. And because of my big mouth i could be kidnapped or something….I struggled with his hold but it was like a death grip. I have never seen such a grip on anyone it was like he was made out of stone.


All the other cullens were following him, and looked really nervous to what he would do. I was scared on what he would do as well.


He continued to dragged me down to the back parking lot, where there was no one…. I was scared. Incredibly scared there were no buildings and no one around.


I started crying maybe seeing emotion would snap him out of this horrible way he is treating me. He looked down on me and stopped and i looked around my surroundings we were close to the middle of the forest, and i started sobbing again. I was done for he was going to kill me.


He was literally flying and dragging me with him. I was on his back now, he had swung me over when he realised that his family was close and could stop him. i was soo scared i could not believe a human being could fly like he was flying


His family was far behind us and kept screaming for him. “Edward, be careful!” “Edward don’t you dare”


He finally let me go and i fell on my knees to the floor where i held my knees to my chest and cradled my self. I was about to go into shock when edward interrupted me.


“I apologise for this, but your blood is too tempting” He he stroke like a cobra i had no chance to stop him or understand what he meant by hit when he separated my head from my knees and made me stand up.

Then he bit my neck.


Ms. Swan, Forgive MeWhere stories live. Discover now