First Sight...

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First Sight…

Oh, Edward Cullen was all everyone could talk about during my first day of school, not even i--the new girl--could take the shine off him. He was the center of attention of any girl and the jealousy of any guy.

He had beautiful copper tone hair, with model features, but not the bony kind but the beautiful angelic kind. The kind you would pay millions to see.


But his family was also as beautiful, all i could think was could it get any any better, and it did, there was Rosalie(the beautiful, tall blond one), Emmet (the gig muscular, mischievous one), Jasper (the pained, stiff one), and Alice (the energetic, short, pixie like one). Who seemed to be going out, they were all adopted so there was no harm to it. Rosalie with Emmett and Jasper with Alice.

Edward seemed to be included, but of course that would give all the girls in my school the right to stare and whisper anytime he walked passed them.


Anything he did they would watch and see if they would get in his way, so he would be forced to pay them mind. It was the Cullens first day as well. And Rosalie already lay claim publicly of her boyfriend by making out with him till it looked like sex on the hallways. And Alice made sure to hold Jaspers hand always, to the point no one would go anywhere near Jasper.


But it was him who was always alone.


Always looking like he would like to be anywhere but here. But even when annoyed he still looked perfect and angelic. Even back then, i felt for his looks and weird attitude.


I wished that i would have evaded him and not ever meet him. Because he made me make the stupidest mistake of my life. My humanity, which i gave thoughtlessly to this monster, a humanity that i would never get back.


This i did not know back then, all i could think was how hot he was. And how i wanted to be in one of his classes. I really wished that.

I went to my first period class, after getting my schedule from the office lady. I sat in the middle seats, everyone else was here and i was the last one.

“Whats your name, new girl?” I blushed red as a tomato, knowing i was busted. “Clara Swan”

"I hope we wont make a habit of being late Ms. Swan"

"I won't, sorry, Mr. Petter"

"Well, then lets start on what we left off yesterday everyone, Romeo and Juliet"


He picked a girl in the front of the class to start reading and so everyone would read a paragraph. It got pretty boring till someone knocked on the door.


"God, who is it now?!" "Come in!" And Edward walked in, it was like a fashion rundown the way he looked serious and the way he moved made everyone no even want to say anything to ruin the moment.

"mmhhhnn" Well not everyone since Mr. Petter interrupted. "You must be one of the Cullens?"


"Yes" said the most beautiful voice in the world, it was like chimes and bells. "my apologies, sir, on being late, the office lady had trouble with the printer and so it took a while to print out my schedule"

"Alright then, sit down next to Ms, Swan, since its the only seat left. Ms. Swan please raise your hand"


As i raised my hand all i could think about was how the fate was smiling my way right now, i was getting the hottest guy in school to sit next to me for the remainder of the semester!

He walked like he owned the place as he made his way towards me. He sat nest to me but as the window in the room opened and wind blew in, he stiffed and glared my way. All i could see in his stare was hate, and disgust.


I dont know what was his problem, so i glared right back. Even then, i did not like anyone intimidating me.


He seemed puzzled by this, and forgot his hating and disgust. But only for a moment for he remembered whatever i did for him to hate me and went back to glaring…


God this was getting annoying, all he would do was glare my direction or tighten the fist he has going on. He sat near the end of the table, as far away as possible from me. His childish behavior was getting to me and i was going to confront him about it.

After the class was done, he got up and ran to the door, before i could ask him what the hell was his problem.

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