And apparently, she was the least prettiest among her grade, as she had got only one vote.

And the students of her class had very graciously written the rankings of all the class girls on the board.

And it was the first thing she saw as soon as she entered.

She may fight.

She may have a nasty temper.

She may be the jjang.

But she was a girl too.

And it hurt her pride that no one found her attractive.

Sure, she had short hair.

Had boyish looks.

Had several war scars.

And now a scar on her face too.

But still......

Hold on. She got one vote. That means there is one person who likes her.

And that made her smile.

"Good morning Arthit".

Still Smiling, she faced him.

"Good morning"

The guy looked frozen. So, she took the pink milk he was holding by herself and Started sipping.


It was their school festival.

And even without wanting too, Arthit had started thinking of that one person, who voted for her.

That person had not only saved her grace but also made her interested in him.

So, just for his sake and his benefit, she dressed up and went to the school festival.

While roaming around, she heard some guys talking.

"I am still wondering who could have voted for Arthit"

"Ya, she is so scary. And now with the scar on her face , ugly too!!"

"You know what, I think it was a prank or a pity vote!!"

All of them agreed and laughed.

But the ground vanished from below Arthit's feet.

Was it true??

It was true!!

It must be!!

Who in their right mind would find Arthit attractive!!

Without her knowing, tears started rolling down her cheeks.

She was a fool!!

Who was she kidding.

She ran away and hid herself in one of the classroom and sobbed.

"There you are!", Someone interrupted.

"What do you want!", She asked harshly.

"I don't want anything, instead I came here to give you something"

"Go away!!"

But instead, that guy took a seat beside her.

"Do you want to die?"

"No, I want to know you first", he said extending the pink milk.

Arthit looked at him as if he had gone crazy, but took the drink.

And calmed down a little after finishing it.

"So why are you crying?"

"Why do you care?"

"Please Arthit. I want to know"

She sighed," apparently am ugly, and with this scar, am uglier"

The boy stood up angrily , " who the hell said that!! Tell me!!"

" Sit down. Besides, it true"

The boy knelt in front of her and took her hands, and spoke soothingly,

"Arthit, you are the most beautiful person I have ever known. What if you are a jjang. I know why you fight. Delinquents from other schools used to harass students from our school. So you took it upon yourself to protect them. And now , not only this school, you have stopped the harassment in all the schools. We can live peacefully, Because you fight for us. Behind our backs, unknown to everyone. And this scar , it make you all the more mesmerising"

Arthit finally looked into his eyes and got lost. His words were sincere, and there was another emotion swirling inside his irises, which made her feel shy, and hot and bothered.

She looked away," weirdo", but didn't take her hands away.

The guy got up," wait here Arthit. I'll be back in 10 minutes"

But he was back, before that.

"Close your eyes Arthit"

"What. Why!!"

"Please trust me Arthit. Besides, you can always beat me up later"

She closed her eyes.

And something light touched her face.

Kongpob was applying make up on her.

When she saw the mirror afterwards, she was surprised. She looked changed, she looked pretty.

"You are good", she complimented, for the make up was very light and natural.

"So, shall we go?"

"Go where?"

"Take a tour of the festival"




"One thing is missing", he said and pecked her lips.

Colour immediately bloomed on her cheeks.

"There, it's complete"

In return, he received a punch on the stomach.


"Woah....who's that with you kong??"

"You don't know her?? She's Arthit", he replied.

"Oh. OH. OH!! Now I understand. You are the one who voted for her!!"

In answer, he just smiled.

"Ofcourse you would. After all you have always l...", But was stopped by Kong abruptly.

Always what? Arthit wondered. She looked at Kongpob. The resident bishie of the school. Class president and teachers pet. And apparently topped the polling from boys side.

He's her prince charming?

When she saw how he blushed when his friends teased him about her, she smiled.

Apparently he is.

"Kongpob", she called.

He snapped his head towards Arthit,"yes?"

Then Arthit stomped on his foot.


"You are late", she pouted.

Kong forgot his pain and immediately dragged her away,

"I might be late, but I promise to be there for you forever"

"You better, or else I'll kill you"

"You don't even need to. Because I'll be already dead without you"

"Kongpob!!! Do you want to die!!"


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