The Vamolf Academy - Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Summer


But before I could further elaborate in my thoughts, my wolf suddenly howled with joy.

'My mate.'



Chapter 4

Leo's POV

Another weekend has passed. How I wish I could just stay with my family everyday

instead of having those to see and go to school with those stinky werewolves. I

plainly hate them. Because as you all might have guessed, I am a vampire (well

what else is the mortal enemy of a werewolf? Obviously, vampires.) Okay so back

on the topic. I hate going to school with them because whenever our groups meet,

trouble follows.

I sighed. I just don't understand what made the chairman and directress think that

we, vampires and werewolves, mortal enemies since the beginning of time, could

live peacefully together. Yeah right.

Just because they are an example of a vampire and werewolf coexisting peacefully

doesn't mean that it would also apply to us. But what can I do? I am the prince of

vampires. I need to try this crazy idea for the sake of my clan. Even though it means

I need to put up with those stupid monsters (as if I'm not a monster myself. well at

least I don't change to an animal like them).

I broke off from my thoughts when I realized I was already at school idling at the

parking lot. I killed the engine and got out of my car. I saw a few vampires and LOTS

of werewolves at the lot. But I guess those stupid mutts are gathering at the usual

spot to get away from trouble.

I was greeted by bows from my fellow vampires and taps on the shoulder by my friends

and also my guardians.

"What's up Leo? It's still early in the morning yet you look so gloomy." my sister Lily

told me.

"Well who wouldn't get gloomy when you know stinky mutts are everywhere around

us?!" yelled by my ever-so-sarcastic friend Ace.

"Now now guys we don't want to start a fight this early right?" I said.

"Let's get going, your Highness. You should rest after your long drive before going

to your classes." Jayden, a member of my guards, murmured just loud enough for

every vampire to hear.

We kept walking towards the entrance to the main lobby when I smelled the

stink of the werewolves. I hate their appearance as much as I hate their smell

because they smell like wet dogs.

I tried to walk past them but their ever-so-arrogant-and-annoying leader spoke

to me.

"Well well well, look what we have here! The prince of leeches - oh I mean vampires!

I'm so sorry for my rudeness your majesty! Your humble enemy will now move

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