The Vamolf Academy - Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Sorry for the late introductionS!

This is my first story so I hope you like it!

And here is Chapter 2.



The Vamolf Academy

Chapter 2

Summer's POV

As I fully entered the place, I let my eyes wander to the interior of the Academy. The exterior of the Academy

is already exquisite but the interior is much more exquisite. It looks like a castle to be exact. My jaw almost

dropped at the intricate designs and priceless paintings hanging on the walls.

As I continued to scan the room, I saw a row of teenagers lined up on either side of the what I presumed as

living room of the academy. I tried my best to return their smiles and murmurs of "Hello", "Welcome to

the Academy" and "Congratulations". I continued to walk in the red carpet leading to the adults at the

bottom of the stairs.

I scrutinized all of them starting from the sides to the center. That's when I noticed that the man and woman

standing on the middle is beaming at me so I assumed that they are my "real" parents. I don't care if they are

my parents but I do not want to disrespect them so I just smiled at them too.

The woman started walking towards me and hugged me tightly.

"SUMMER! Oh my God! You are so big already! I missed you so much! Finally, we are now together! Isn't that

lovely honey?" She looked at me like I was a new toy she got for Christmas.

"Oh I'm so sorry about my attitude." She probably noticed my frown. "I was just excited about meeting you

after all this years. By the way I am Finna and I am your mother. And here -", she gestured to the man beside

her, "is Duke, and he is your father. We are so happy that you agreed to live with us here. And I am truly

sorry that I forgot to mention to Dalia -", Dalia is my "fake" mom, "that your new home is this academy. We

are the owners of this school, as well as the Chairman and Director.

So you see, this school is unique because of our students here. We will explain it to you later but for now

lets get you to your room so you could rest. I know you're tired from the travel." she said.

We went upstairs using the left stairs (yep, there is the right stairs. I'm curious on where that leads to..)

and soon we arrive on a long hallway full of doors. My room is in the right side of the last room at end

of the hallway. My mother said I do have a roommate but since it is still weekends, she isn't here. I opened

the door and went inside the room. The room is big considering there are only two of us living there. Well

at least I got a big room so there is nothing more to complain.

I immediately unpacked my things and put it in the closet. I went to the bathroom and noticed that it is

also quite big. When I finished unpacking everything, I went to look at the windows and noticed it is already

dark outside. Sigh, how I miss my own room where I can do anything I want. I also miss my mom and friends.

I continued wondering about them when I heard a faint knock on the door.

"Summer can I come in?" It's the voice of my mother. I went to the door and opened it.

"Hi mother. Sure, come in." I walked inside the room and we both sat on the couch.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks." I answered.

"Summer, I'm so sorry for suddenly requesting for you to come back with us. I know you are hurt that we

left you with Dalia like we don't care about you. But believe me Summer, we love you so much, both me

and your dad that's why we did that. During that time, we've got no choice but to leave you in their care

to be sure that you would be safe." she said to me while crying.

"I'm glad you know what you've done. You left me with mom 16 years ago and now you suddenly want

me back? If it's not for mom's request, I won't be here with you." I spit back sarcastically. I can't look at

her because I fear that I might cry too.

"Oh summer.. We're really sorry about that but I hope that one day you could accept us as your real family." she said. I could see that she really is sorry about what they did but I can't manage to get my anger out of me. But I do feel bad about what I've said so I muttered "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She seemed happy after I said that so I sighed with relief.

"Anyways, since we are living at this academy, I suppose that this is going to be my school from now on?" I asked her.

"Oh yes honey, this is going to be your new school too. I hope you will make friends with the students here. They are all nice and I'm sure you'll like them too." she answered.

She stood up and told me she needs to go back now to finish some of her work. I nodded and she kissed me on the cheek and whispered "Goodnight". But before she made it to the door, I remembered to ask her something about she said when I arrived.

"Mother?"I asked loudly.

"Yes honey?"she replied.

"Uhm, its about something you said a while ago when I arrived. You mentioned that the students are unique? I would just like to know how they are unique?" I curiously asked her.

She chuckled a little before answering. "I won't tell you about it. It's good for you to see it personally. I'm sure you will discover it first thing in the morning tomorrow. Anymore questions? she asked.

I shook my head slightly. She continued to head for the door and managed to shut it as quietly as possible. I still wondered curiously about her answer but I'm too tired to think more about it. I changed into my pajamas before crawling to bed and sleeping thinking about what would happen tomorrow...


I'm sorry if it's so short!!

I promise to add more chappies tomorrow or the next day!


Thanks for reading!


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