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I know it sounds irrevocable and I didn't expect to see Oliver when I accompanied Catherine for a check up as Storm drove the car. Oliver brought to a nearby coffee shop to patch up. I'm happy to see him.

''There was a guy who came that night. I just don't know his face..because I was drunk that time.'' He began to recount the night of the party before Evee was found dead.

''You know Sophie Grace don't you? I saw you together in the photo.''

''Yeah that was a long time ago. I remember Walter introduced me. Then I met Sophie Grace because of her older brother Mike. I haven't heard from them since.'' He replied, while I focused on what he was saying.

He paused for a moment.

''The last time was that Sophie's father was harassed because of the ongoing construction being built and worked under Evee's dad. They used to him being a foreman then it found out that there was a discrepancy going on in the company. Sophie's father intends to tell everything the anomaly but Sophie's father died in a heart attack.''

I was suddenly enlightened by what he said. And how about Mike?

''Do you think it had anything to do with Evee's murder? ''

''I'm not sure but all I know is they have something to do with the murder. Maybe we still have things to know.'' He sighed.

I was suddenly enlightened by what he said. Is it Mike?

''Do you think it had anything to do with Evee's murder? ''

'' I'm not sure but all I know is they have something to do.''

I remember Mike when we met at Sophie's pool party. But what was clear to me that there was revenge going on on their part was why Evee was found dead the night after the party.

Then it gradually opened up to me why Sophie's name was involved and why Merrick just wanted me to avoid her. I smell the burst of stench and secrets she keeps.

Riggs and I planned to play trick on Sophie Grace. I remember that every four o'clock in the afternoon, Sophie would walk near the main building and the students would almost go home. And he would wait for the driver so he needed to stay another thirty minutes.

Merrick, Riggs sprayed a red paint on the wall.

YOU ARE DEAD Sophie Grace. A Criminal.'

The students found it the next day and gathered, I was just there from afar while watching. I caught up with Sophie Grace arriving while the students in Northwood were feasting on her. Rumors spread about what happened earlier about her criminality. I left the crowded crowd. I knew what had happened would damage her reputation as school board president and the cards seemed to be on Merrick's side. Especially since he knew she cheated him in the election.

''I know what you did.'' Jasper said when we met in the school hallway.

''Why are you planning to tell her? You are no different and your father about what he did to Catherine. Isn't that also of being a criminal? ''

''That's not my point. You just have to fight fairly.'' He say.

''And what do you know about fairness? Is it fair that you kept it a secret from me? that you already knew that Alex raped Catherine but you didn't speak.'' I glared and smirked in his way.

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